.UbbvBBtVif .pb-label{ height: 32px; Other than the spool tension The reel casts really well at distance and especially well up close I have found. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for 13 Fishing Concept A 7.3 at Amazon.com. If absolute picked a product in their existing inventory. color: #ffffff; Hook ups are nice and solid as a result of the anti-reverse bearing. 5.0 out of 5 stars 3. A true staple piece that isn't going anywhere any time soon. in all our tests, the Concept A�s drag has performed relatively smooth and } border-color: #0099cc transparent; It is a very dependable reel that will benefit even the most serious and experienced anglers. Sweet Drag Performance font-size: 13px; When I first saw the Concept Z in its bright orange or as they call it Tequilla Sunrise finish at the On The Water event at ICAST 2017, I did not really know what to make of … Get Social Follow 13 Fishing to keep up on giveaways, new products and our weekly contests. google_ad_type = "text_image"; 13 Fishing is a high quality reel manufacturer, and the Concept A is a good entry level baitcaster of their range. This is a quality baitcasting reel that can be used in both fresh and saltwater. closer to manufacturer specification. HD Aluminium Frame: The frame is treated with 13 Fishing’s Ocean Armour Saltwater protection. But don’t let all of that fool you, this reel packs a lot of power. But don’t let all of that fool you, this reel packs a lot of power. Cork Knobs: The Concept Cork Knobs, add to the comfort and control of the reel. Arrowhead Line Guide System: There is no need to guide the evenly back on to the reel with your finger as you wind your fish in. I have a LH Concept C in an 8.1.1 gear ratio, but this is a general review on the Concept C. off the shelf retail product and remove any doubt that the manufacturer cherry 13 Fishing bills its newest creation as the first ever high-performance reel manufactured with no ball bearings. results showed a max drag value for this reel in the neighborhood of seven what�s more important to us is how smooth and consistent the drag performs and casting distance. from Tackle Warehouse to re-test the drag. 13 FISHING - Concept TX2 - Low-Profile Baitcast Fishing Reel - 7.5:1 Gear Ratio - Left Hand Retrieve (Fresh+Salt) - TX2-7.5-LH. Once I had the spool tension dialed in, I commonly found myself setting the brakes on a 2 or 3 setting and forgetting about it the rest of the day. background-color: #0099cc; us to run the tests again, because in their own tests, max drag values have been we�ve stated in countless reviews since leveraging The Machine to measure drag, Casting background-color: #0099cc; Flip the switch to quickly remove the side plate. would like to see change is the braking system. The Concept Z is a brightly colored (Tequila Sunrise officially) reel from 13 Fishing that weighs in at 6.4 ounces for the model we tested, a 6.6:1 ratioed, right-handed reel. The reel frame is constructed of a heavy duty aluminium, combined with a carbon side plate. A Bulldog drag system putting out 30+ lbs of fish stopping power, paired with … We were able to achieve 19.3 pounds of pressure //-->, What a Concept! $24.99 Availability: Out of stock. I still prefer a slower gear ratio for throwing things like Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. The 13 Fishing Concept A has a lot of power packed into a tight low profile baitcasting reel that fits very nicely in the palm of your hand. The machined-aluminum handle measures about four inches long. While the reel casts well and distributes line back on the 00. height: 33px; Git rich and get out. I like to eliminate as much dead water as possible, so I probably make more casts during a day than many anglers probably do. the same Concept A reel, we were unable to achieve a max drag setting much 13 Fishing's Concept-A Reel is a maximum drag pressure is important to you, we�ve no doubt the 23 pounds of Then, with each google_ad_height = 600; google_color_text = "000000"; Cut with Japanese Hamai precision, the new H.A.M. 13 Fishing Concept C Review. It's a very mild-mannered reel that is capable of throwing a variety of This is a very light weight reel, weighing in at just 6.8 ozs. It is a very compact reel, and the body is very well designed. must be something wrong with the reel we have at the lab. .UbbvBBtVif .progress-bar-value:after{ The Concept A build is of high quality. The options are for 5.3, 6.6, 7.3, 8.1 gearing. This slow retrieving reel is ideal for most crankbait applications. They can also be accessed via the beetle wing side plate. pressure advertised by 13 fishing is achievable given stronger fingers, or if }, .muqniDbrGv{ 13 FISHING - Concept TX2 - Low-Profile Baitcast Fishing Reel - 8.3:1 Gear Ratio - Right Hand Retrieve (Fresh+Salt) - TX2-8.3-RH. the traditional oval or round style. .UbbvBBtVif .progress-bar{ It is constructed of a lightweight aluminium frame, and comes with a beetle wing aluminium side plate for easy access. pushes of the drag star. Power: This is a very good feature that works well. The lightweight, but strong, HD Aluminum Frame is coated with Ocean Armor 2 Treatment ensuring that this reel will hold up over time no matter what elements you expose it to. However the 5.3 is only available as a right hand model. The 13 Fishing Concept C Baitcasting Reel is a reel powerhouse. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for 13 Fishing Concept A Freshwater/Saltwater Baitcasting Fishing Reel at Amazon.com. They also suggested we compare our results with the Concept with a Max Drag of 23 pounds. our friends over at us to run the tests again, because in their own tests, max drag values have been One of the things that many anglers like about 13 Fishing is the ability to customize their reels with what 13 Fishing calls TrickShop. The Concept A is a good fit for both beginner and expert anglers. 13 Fishing specifies the Concept A reel 19.3lbs. In this video we are reviewing the concept A fishing reel from 13 fishing! .muqniDbrGv .progress-bar{ 13 Fishing's Concept-A Reel is a Bulldog (continued) Now that we're past a bit of negativity, I can say that I had no issues with the actual performance of the braking system. 13 preys on Retards and children. Enthusiast | Fortunately, the Concept A2 allows for 25% more line capacity without increasing the overall size of the reel. 13 Fishing Concept A Baitcasting Reel. What a Concept! have any problem getting the job done. must be something wrong with the reel we have at the lab. google_color_url = "FF9900"; 13 Fishing Concept C Review The Concept C Gen II is the latest and greatest from 13 Fishing. I have been able to cast weights as small as 1/8 ounce 13 Fishing Concept A3 Baitcasting Reel – Review. $300.00 $ 300. 13 Fishing took immediate exception to our tests and respectfully asked line-height: 33px; font-size: 13px; Be the first to review this product. may frustrate some folks. Overall, if you’re looking for a quality and well priced baitcaster. Helping to reduce the weight of the reel, to very light 6.2 oz. Apparel | 22-pound Bulldog drag system, and a six-way centrifugal braking system. what I like about this reel is: it’s super versatile. } google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; The �Arrowhead� line guide is said to improve line lay as well as increase line-height: 32px; stacks between the Concept A and Concept C reels are the same, we surmised there background-color: #0099cc; results showed a max drag value for this reel in the neighborhood of seven Saltwater & Freshwater Versatility: The corrosion resistant bearings, and Ocean Armour Saltwater protection, both combine to protect the susceptible parts of the reel from getting wet. tightening the drag as far as we could manage with just one hand. Reels | There are many aspects of the Concept-A reel that I'm fond of, but something I border-color: #0099cc transparent; revealed. Privacy Policy | Terms Of Service | Earnings Disclaimer | Contact Page. The 13 Fishing Concept A Gen II comes chock full of goodies. } 13 Fishing took immediate exception to our tests and respectfully asked border-color: #0099cc transparent; .muqniDbrGv .progress-bar-value{ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for 13 FISHING Concept A 7.3:1 Left HandFreshwater/Saltwater Baitcasting Fishing Reel at Amazon.com. 13 Fishing is known primarily for their low profile baitcasting reels and has started to develop a solid reputation in the industry since its founding in 2011. Dead Stop Anti Reverse System: The reel has one dead stop anti reverse bearing. Not only can the absence of any Tools | Storage | What a Concept! This reel is lightweight, but packs a huge amount of power. different than our original findings. It may take a bit of fine tuning and adjustment at first. 6 Way Centrifugal Braking System: This system allows you to dial in long casts without suffering from any backlash. (along with a small plastic worm) while using 20-pound braid, but that was about Power is paramount to the new A3 design, and it all starts with the guts of this beast. This keeps saltwater out of the most susceptible areas of corrosion. google_ad_width = 120; It also gives you more sensitivity to feel what your lure is doing and detect more bites. Swimbaits | Lines | Beetle Wing Rapid Access System: This is a design that allows the side plate of the reel to pop open and to the side. Side by side on the Machine, the system is simply a matter of it being inconvenient to use. background-color: #0099cc; From cranking to punching, this reel doesn't It is also very versatile as it is designed to be used in Saltwater and Freshwater. Watercraft | It fits perfectly into the pal of your hand, and casts smoothly and accurately. The 5:3:1 will retrieve 21” of line per turn. This prevents any tangles, and sets the spool up for smooth and accurate casts. This is more than enough to haul trophy fish out of the most challenging of spots. With a solid 22 lb drag, there is plenty of power to haul out some trophy quality fish. The slower speed allows your lure to get down deeper and keeps your retrieve at an ideal speed. The drag is powerful and smooth, making playing a good fish a real pleasure. The Arrowhead Line Guide System, will evenly distribute the line back on to the spool while you retrieve. When this review was originally published last week, our Sweet Drag Performance Then the Concept A is well worth considering. color: #ffffff; .yrLWPDmzBN .progress-bar-value:after{ in Uncategorized. .muqniDbrGv .pb-label{ big spinnerbaits and crankbaits. When this review was originally published last week, our Sweet Drag Performance google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; By Walker Smith • Sep 22, 2020. It will last anglers a long time if they take care of the reel, and keep it clean and maintained. google_ad_format = "120x600_as"; height: 32px; Things you can do with this reel. The … To alter the settings, you must turn either the dial or a tiny metal This is designed to allow anglers to use the reel in both saltwater and freshwater environments. FREE Shipping by Amazon . another round of tests, but we decided to instead order one off the shelf from But once you have it figured out, you should be casting beautifully without any backlashes. Retesting .muqniDbrGv .progress-bar-value:after{ Tackle Reviews 13 Fishing Concept E Casting Reel Review. successive test the drag was backed off (using a thumb) with two short If you’re looking for something different from the Shimano or Daiwa range, then this reel is worth serious consideration. Designed for both salt and fresh water, with plenty of drag. of drag on the Machine in our lab. It is full of tournament quality technology and features, and is solidly corrosion proofed. They provide a good grip and feel when playing fish. They also suggested we compare our results with the Concept While this reel has a small and lightweight HD aluminum frame, 13 Fishing didn't sacrifice line capacity to achieve it. The Concept Tee is a true classic 13 Fishing design that is built for comfort and performance. The frame also keeps the reel very rigid, reducing flexing when the reel is under high loads. The line comes off the reel quietly and effortlessly and reels very smoothly. 13 Fishing Concept A Review. Indeed, after border-radius: 0px; C reel currently under review because the drag stacks for these two reels are stacks between the Concept A and Concept C reels are the same, we surmised there Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. When compared to something like the Daiwa Tatula series of reels you will immediately notice that the form factor of the body is much more compact. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. identical. Get it as soon as Fri, Jan 29. } Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for 13 Fishing Concept A 6.6:1 Left Hand Freshwater/Saltwater Baitcasting Fishing Reel, Black at Amazon.com. Daiwa Lexa 300/400. Best 13 Fishing Reel Reviews. .yrLWPDmzBN .progress-bar-value{ tab onto the desired brake setting number. .UbbvBBtVif .progress-bar-value{ FishingReelReviews.net is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. For fighting a fish, the Concept Z boasts a 22-pound Bulldog drag and Japanese Hamai cut … The side plate must another round of tests, but we decided to instead order one off the shelf from consistently higher. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for 13 Fishing Concept A3 6.3:1 Right Hand Freshwater/Saltwater Baitcasting Fishing Reel, Black at Amazon.com. But as line-height: 32px; Now available in black and military green! The 6:6:1 will retrieve 26.1” of line per turn. This way, we could be sure we received an Autopsy,