Fax: 603-622-2266. Today many say this is only for monks, but the Canon is clear that it applies to ALL Orthodox Christians. 0000005470 00000 n ���Њ��ъ�}i�*���C$��1�;��J�,��}}kk���.�DѾ"{Z�f��{��32����Y\�09�q� �SW��Xv8�V�] d�}m��kN��9�c|��.��h�7���`�W�M3�#ud0�"��~��? �d������NX�Nt*��4������G?������ϛ �p$yst���(XAw��>d�\�G�}jں�u~^?A���RO���y��3Y �f�v*t ��3D endstream endobj 194 0 obj <> endobj 195 0 obj <> endobj 196 0 obj <>stream 0000002502 00000 n 0000004371 00000 n The experience takes on the quality of the behavior, character, and communion with God. Phone: 603-622-9113. (Mt. close. }�Ud��Ce���O���s��|�Nm>hR�"�y�ڼ3�����F#� �H��̷c��oiϡ4�A��7��2�i��4���A�U=�l-�k1���[w���k���SX��e���ٚjq5ݔ ���hh���R�{� ��̽������8��&��y�h.q'p m+�Ú"�]j/��Nr:��.۹��s�A�mq�$��+�����d��t��}O�G�8�k03�p.á���l� �f|��>pHɾ��iWZ+cØq���`�yyGFd����~���N���Ւ�^���*f����v�=��n�V��-�=�C&P��rke�. The Orthodox Church has two great sources of authority:Holy Scripture comprises the writings of both the New and the Old Testaments. H�|Tێ�0��yL�:�������>T�mKӮ��ۉ�v�dO���3s�#p�Bŕ�΢`������� ���A}�8�{����Cx.ы�#[���N� ���3�68抗�xcgp��֐CZFc��.r�Qe�l�KĦ],�o����v�����,)�-�����F���70D@DDD@DDD@DDD@DD�Ԋ�C�-Xf��)15ʹ�l��B��r�� -��n}��D. ��)�@�*�>op���� .�T3�1�0�y�N1\e�g��p�ʝ+/m�dJ��m/�V0�`������p�1�)�a���aP�C%�L����"�€H � ɼ�� endstream endobj 184 0 obj <> endobj 185 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 186 0 obj <> endobj 187 0 obj <> endobj 188 0 obj <> endobj 189 0 obj [/ICCBased 197 0 R] endobj 190 0 obj <> endobj 191 0 obj <> endobj 192 0 obj <> endobj 193 0 obj <>stream His marriage, however, must be the first for both him and his wife. Manchester, NH 03104. “Some will say at its root it is an eastern spirituality which they would not feel sits well with Christian spirituality,” stated the Venerable Mark Butchers, Archdeacon of Barnstaple. �*���e�r� ,F?������w_�? It is liturgical in nature and follows seven sacraments. A typical Greek Orthodox ceremony has six parts. 0000003882 00000 n ���bʽ��# ;�ʉ��uT�/xa�p��oH��e�aH=Yw�plѸ��J��&�n�*K{郷��~rW��t��y�x��2I�~-]��K�Lw'KQ-t�#��Y\{]hz�ø����Ume�zQ��duW�͜�rm��9f��҃���x; �Er��Kv���AHƈ�{����@�i.ˡtcJxn�3-��� � ���� ��y� t�w4b=&۬/:�A��H�;��ﰮ���� %��������Nֆ73`>fG���|��)][p����l���q�Fz)d�,ax�A���!�Q(����5�d�hB(u���bu��#q��{��)�f�XhYn��!��r\��q;I���(��� ��*cɓ����h�9���ްνTC���3����F�-�� 0000001555 00000 n The non-Orthodox spouse must have been baptized in a Christian Church that baptizes in the Name of the Holy trinity. The Website of St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church. 0000001489 00000 n Orthodox priests consist of both married clergymen and celibate clergymen. He may not remarry and continue in his ministry even if his wife should die. Worship is the center of church life in Eastern Orthodoxy. Copy link. The Greek Orthodox Church follows beliefs and practices laid out in the first seven ecumenical councils, which date back to the first ten centuries A.D. Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord, On behalf of our Holy Eparchial Synod, and filled with particular honor and joy in Christ, we deliver today to the Holy Metropolises and Parishes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America the revised Uniform Regulations for immediate application and use. ####''',,,�� !�� � " ��� Marriage in the Eastern Orthodox Church is a holy mystery or sacrament in the Eastern Orthodox Church.The wedding itself is considered to be a rite of the church in which the marriage is blessed. 0000066067 00000 n Greek Orthodox Family in America. 0000003602 00000 n Greek Orthodox Lent is a time of fasting, which means abstaining from foods that contain animals with red blood (meats, poultry, game) and products from animals with red blood (milk, cheese, eggs, etc. Published 5 June 2020. Unless a fast-free period has been declared, Orthodox Christians are to keep a strict fast every Wednesday and Friday. The actions of the Council show us that the fast was a common Tradition from the earliest of … The New Testament reveals the human and divine nature of Jesus Christ, and His sacred teachings that we are charged to follow. 0000000016 00000 n 0000072604 00000 n �c̦:"A��!��qm�%��@tT���*�d��\iS��9r�� �aj�3Sq���Z�q��1��V�r� �I���IA�RmaYTŮ���CՔ���Kx���'�|.�KL3#p��c Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston Directory of Parishes in the United States Archdiocese of America Online Bookstore 1. The Orthodox rules for lenten fasting are the monastic rules. Of course, the Orthodox Church never reduces the practice of fasting to a legalistic observance of dietary rules. It contains, among other sacred writings, the prophecies and the writings of the Prophets that foretold the coming of the Messiah. 650 Hanover Street. Links. Should You Be Using KDP to Self-Publish Your First Novel? This style of worship is led by a priest; summoning of and reference to icons and religious figures are common, as is meditative prayer and periods of somber reflection. Due to the practice of crowning the couple during the ceremony, the wedding is referred to as a "crowning" or "coronation", in reference to the wedding crown. "#$%&'()*123456789:ABCDEFGHIJQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijqrstuvwxyz����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ? ��������O��� >� The Greek Orthodox faith stipulates that Jesus Christ is the son of God, but both fully human and entirely divine; using the powers of his divinity, he will one day return to judge all men on earth. m !1AQa"2qt��#BR���%3456Dcrs���Ebd����� In the Greek Orthodox Church, worship is considered the basic and most fundamental part of church life. Olive oil and wine are also restricted. Level 3 Guidelines for Attending Divine Services BEFORE ATTENDING SERVICES • YOU SHOULD NOT ATTEND CHURH If you have any signs or symptoms of COVID 19 as outlined in the CDC guidelines or have come in contact with anyone showing such symptoms, or if you have come into contact with COVID 19 positive persons within the last 2 weeks. 0000000716 00000 n The Greek Orthodox Church isn’t the only faith to have actually discredited yoga. "What God has joined, let not man separate." trailer <<4655CCDBEF684BF187665D32E819CAFC>]/Prev 781449>> startxref 0 %%EOF 203 0 obj <>stream ���� JFIF � �� Adobe d �� � '$''''$25552;;;;;;;;;; So the Holy Week has begun, known as Megali Evdomada – the literal translation being “Big Week” in Greek. The Betrothal: The priest blesses the rings three times. In the Greek Orthodox Church, worship is considered the basic and most fundamental part of church life. There are some exceptions to this rule, especially if it coincides with special fasts or … .Re��aŸF{����)��jZ�5Ϩ-��s@��C w�*:����UIE_���گ��'��1A�hf�^"����Ρ�ֈ�>C���7>��qUd����U9%�x5�,k|ƴ�ю#��،��kb4�H{8����p���X5����9�#vd�����7a0W��KS4�;^I^��ys�d���RO#!��I$pk�K�N� W��E%��{|�:Ji]����rp��x^�����,ĵ�{hx.�]���x��|�{}�T��m`|-�:�����G�規��#�ʹ��9�X>$���V�kt��y!1�r-tos���Ũ>XB�]��MYM4V�!��p�I�v}x[=_1��%e¢��Ie|s�fF��?U��Yu�0kecODg�sPiWO�px�"���WR��F�9W�%;��A��Ӱ��;�.aJ�g�хu��e]�[�>K��{ٹ�8��{��I��WJx���#j�ܷ�5�{|֭ ��7��n���j�]n����sk�r=�����AĶ�_���4P2�� ʽ��VI��IG8��y��" """ """ """ """ """ ""�ӊ�ނ���QӾx�� �$1�v}hq=��Z)���[,�h�e���{#�������4舀��E~�T�5Q����2���1�5�ۆ�NYθ��zZ��bFS��^�l��\�����Pf�i��K�'ۥ���Q+z��@�i���Y9���Fk+HX Neither in ancient nor in modern times has there ever been exact uniformity, but most Orthodox authorities agree on the following rules: (1) During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. 0000141696 00000 n Last year a church hall in Devon, England, disallowed a yoga class. }^��2 �*����#qc��湧'6�:�j��\\#�L�e�667\������+���6k70y�u�4QIr\��m-Y�ϥ�`�����yݭ� ��������'A. ;��{\q��ϐE�Q3`ȹ�Hv��A��a��K��E����/�%�d^w `� n� X]H��u������1�̩���J�)*M�͹ۥ* ���X�z��d� ��,�B3�R�+G•&��Ɂ{�J\���r�o�9���U�h 0000003639 00000 n 183 21 In Greece, the bride's arrival is a much-anticipated event, and guests gather outside … Fasting that is not accompanied by intensified prayer and acts of charity inevitably becomes a source of pride. VZ�v�_I=1O�|~���*�m��\)�ԭ.��fD�`k�= m*C�lT4֜)G��K ����9����s�����4������d�7Q������p�to�š.��X0և�moY5͏��;MI�o�Ʋ�h*tso�����q|d9�ӊx�$m�$����Ÿ��j�-PS@�����N��r�{� Ю�E�r��5�v���`1��=V�;-l��Ƃs��)���x��d�g�8�7��9 ���'��a5On�Ӷg{���� This enduring wedding tradition is called bombonieria and has been associated with Eastern Orthodox weddings for … St. Paul refers to marriage as a "great mystery", likening the relationship of husband and wife to that of Christ and the Church. ����].FSK8|��{���]�@�B�"^�w)CKn��o�S�B�F}$�M4�IQ;���{�w��9�{d��!t����ğ�oЕ�z��H�ؕ�(9\7��XZGKl���#u^�c�ynaڹ�4�X��wj�n����G�8c����u�hve�2vfW[>�1tY��I76��i>�Ə=j��o�i3/�I atsy�q>r ��1V�rT�\z��Ldy�6�֒㷔�9��p\��Fk��)�R�d|�F��q;C�� Orthodox Christians of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese who have obtained a civil divorce but not an ecclesiastical divorce may not participate in any sacraments of the Church or serve on the Parish Council, Archdiocesan District Council, Metropolis Council or Archdiocesan Council until they have been granted a divorce by the Church. What Does Biodegradable Plastic Really Cost Us? 0000037065 00000 n Then the Koumbaro or Koumbara exchanges rings that are placed on the bride and groom's right ring fingers. �?K5,��.��b5�.�����&��f����:�mƔo��#�.v�u��� e�dm����� `^�WdĶLE ��Tɶf�ՙ�a�h�������=^�=��hsN�F`�%�a;�f�� {��y��W?5|1&?øn76y�MP�ii�|��(��o��3�4�� \�n�PfF�N0�=�b�z�A��hN�.���S��U J�ֳu\;�p׭b� t�Q����K��˜�5��OQ�t�a��m�Wվ1�衞g����45��9u�:�b�Y�n k.4a�MQ��v�����P@�r;�AEco�' � �\)'>���S��`:�vFX�C��huE����y,�*�;]��ßB-M�h�qWު�D@�vJ�)�Gf̚�,���۷5��Z��&���c��C1���͑��s�ZIa��GC;�9=��i� �B�\�e�I�d3ې�A�öi��� �52����`�w��T��156���6��~H:y��|mv����v�\��+ �Ɣ|� �hN����4��կ�N����js��� �� ��@tx��CWմ�Ӊ����t�8xq!�����:J�=G�-��*���c�S�Z^���#w���. The word orthodox translates to “right believing,” and followers of the Greek Orthodox faith have preserved and strictly followed the traditions and doctrines of the early churches established during that time. @��b���9 ���Rə6�$j/42�K�>7ߞ����aJ8�o��R�E�Rt��q��> It is liturgical in nature and follows seven sacraments. In the Greek Orthodox Church, laying the dead to rest involves a particular set of rituals, customs and rules of conduct. Nowadays most people (and kids) fast only this week. Baptism is another important part of this religion, and practitioners are not considered to be true members of the church, and affiliated with Christ, without first undergoing this full initiation ritual. We break it down. Fish (meaning fish with backbones; shellfish are permitted). ... the powerful Greek Orthodox … ; d�k]͞K�ǘ.l!qkcs����u4��]�n�f���� W��t[���v��0G+����y�A�f����I�"����ֵ�2I S��-�8������N��6VD ln�����Ĝ��5�G$�<>'8g��KNё�: Godparents must have been baptized in the Orthodox Church, must be in full sacramental communion, and must be a member in good standing of a local Orthodox parish. Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral. Every religious tradition conducts funeral services a bit differently. The Old Testament is a history of the Hebrew people. 0000004121 00000 n ?Hz!����l��Aa���f�DY#�~�#&�2��j��9"�ل�'�^����ț�#v����K�?kY�JxN|��Ψ��� q������"J����X�ޱ*7�54l��u��μ�k[מ.��]7;z��f��|�s ����StJ���C`�Ō�Z,W3���9�'WΩ-�X~�٬ug�PU]W��P���٬J.I�G��D�f9v�F�qg���҅&��a�w?5����G�n�� ��v��p�9�,B�Ō[6��>>�С��w�$��gr�!�ѽ/9� ^�����Hn����P��Kb]O��}`%ff-Ȯ���[v*Tr��[��@ Holy synod says services will be held at places of worship on Wednesday despite closure rules in Greece Last modified on Mon 4 Jan 2021 23.37 EST The Greek Orthodox church has announced it … Finally, this faith believes in the concept of predestination, which asserts that God has foreknowledge of, and control over, the lives of all men. �]c������2Ge�{[�5�G���:Jd��uf� ���c. 0000094834 00000 n 0000001819 00000 n In the Orthodox Church a married man may be ordained to the priesthood. 183 0 obj <> endobj xref Two fundamental beliefs ascribed by practitioners are that the Spirit and Son originate from the Holy Father and that the Holy Scriptures and Holy Tradition hold equal value and importance. ����������i�plq�=�� ����j�;j���n����һl�jz1����ls(�(Yͮw�ր p4XoXp�c� ��'�K��w>G,�:K|����L8oK��zSK ���ֶX�6��k�l�´��Z1e+`���X��j#�J���� �pPmYWK-?U�4o�W[�k�c�ߞ�9d�K��4�Y��w��VI�s�as�I�.���Нk^b��;����HdJ���1�v�EM��uP����5�uK83#�e����4ck�R�}�GC��G>�lp��v���y����i�Ð��}lMݔ�U�Su�r�Эl�>�c��b{'ky� �OWG[�*m���,�j��F'+E��1Hk�i�9�)���]�e����Ϧ��{�/f����3A㔯��tn]|:K�Ow'UQ-�c��X�>"G����xJ�-[��,@��B �p��!�zg'� �' �-�(�4D-��mUQ����,���{mcv��D��������������������Պ��QI�$��cћ������ga, ��I�z��Z"� ��w��ܣ���`_ �GW����׊�b�h5�0����.f� �'aV�㝼�D���v�Z07�(�:��H^�ic�rs\\�;B�lB�a�L��yak�/�I���mi�3;v�:s�2���)FW�U��w�� U5%{�Ý�#�R�L��ge��ܗs�\�3�EΡ�̑��h�~M 4y�a���d����]�K����IY7=�;F�\Az�1q^�ԕ5Q7U�a��� �9���ˡs4�ˍ{�hif�+yI��iY�e�H��3���{��so!�.kCA$���I+{h�8��O�T�|�.Z�OP��D0�� St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church - St. Louis, Missouri . While most Orthodox Christians are perhaps aware of the general rules of fasting for Great Lent, the rules for the other fasting periods are less known. Processional. 0000039772 00000 n 0000003175 00000 n The following foods are avoided: Meat, including poultry, and any meat products such as lard and meat broth. The Greek Orthodox Church believes death separates the soul from the body and is the beginning of a new life. About sharing. After COVID, Will We Ever Look for Deals on Gym Memberships Again? Later, with Christ’s coming, the final judgment will result and each soul will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. ####''',,, Orthodox Christians believe that truth must be personally experienced and, as a result, they place less emphasis on its precise definition. This style of worship is led by a priest; summoning of and reference to icons and religious figures are common, as is meditative prayer and periods of somber reflection. 19:6)The Orthodox Church firmly believes in the sanctity of the marriage bond. Share. ! During the Dormition Fast, wine and oil are allowed only on Saturdays and Sundays (and sometimes on a few feast days and vigils). No meat is allowed after Meatfare Sunday, and no eggs or dairy products after Cheesefare Sunday. The Rules of the Greek Fast April 10, 2012. 0000005031 00000 n The Greek Orthodox Crowning Service. As Orthodox Christians, we fast all Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year; on Wednesday because on this day the Jews conspired against Christ, and Friday because this was the day of His Crucifixion. }swN��UP�r�MQ,:�j�rn,�,�Y�ފ*y� S�Cu�h��� :���y��Ÿ|"#���y]8q�6 D� ���h���9�Y6�˔�OC-1�cih{� Ǡm^Ֆ���g_G=0,���n �DDD@DDD@DDD@DDD@DDD@DDD@DDDA�Ҋ�tXoV�{Uʶ���m�-Jr=Z\�c�݃��T��{Ӱ��^�|����׌����;#ϓ�H#��Ѹ���$9�dA!xR�8�8���g��Ic�*!�df�p$nY8q��7l(>����'��=����y���R�+�\]��5��;�\��ڮ�=N��5��z�M��TP���(nbg�n�W�S���-�����ރ��|v)ѥ嘁¢{X�*�2������͹� ' ( ) * 123456789: ABCDEFGHIJQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijqrstuvwxyz�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������, will we Ever Look for Deals on Gym Memberships Again continue... The practice of fasting to a legalistic observance of dietary rules involves a particular set of rituals, customs rules! Course, the Orthodox Church a married man may be ordained to the priesthood rituals, customs and rules the. 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