86 0 obj <> endobj xref I’d probably say, on balance, that having dug in to write this I’m a bit more pessimistic than I was immediately after reviewing Chapter Approved – although they got a light treatment in point changes, they were already up against it enough for that to hit pretty hard, and while the diminished utility of Strike Marines frees you up for other options, you do lose board and power redundancy in the process. Its a possibility, as they seem to be putting restrictions on who can lead your army, I doubt we will be able … %PDF-1.4 %���� 9th edition is out in the wild, and with it a whole raft of changes to the factions of Warhammer 40,000. Enter your email to get the very latest - news, promotions, hobby tips and more from Games Workshop. On turn two (most of the time) the rest of the army shows up to the mid-board fun party and throws down (with the possible exception of one Terminator Squad looking for a weak back-line objective it can Dynamic onto). The missions tend to reward units that can operate in multiple phases. The Grey Knights are the legendary Chapter 666 - and although nominally a Chapter of the Astartes, they are in the Chamber Militant of the Inquisition. Two big changes have hurt Grey Knights. 9th Edition Rules Review; Indomitus Datasheets Review; Getting Started in 9th Edition 40k . �nB7���\���H~�?��Ț��W�^�39^P����8�8�8�8�8�8�8:��{�E\s�Fs���B�qdǹ�Ĵ^oS�w��Yx�_ My�� endstream endobj 94 0 obj <> endobj 95 0 obj <>stream This has hurt the army’s ability to cast smite a lot and really limited one of their many abilities. Ruleshammer. You can still deal a reasonable amount of damage while under this tide – Grey Knights have a built in +1 to casts, and you can boost them up in a wide area with Empyric Surge to help you land a volley of damage at the right moment, but the amount you can ratchet your opponent’s defences down is substantially reduced. The Deathwatch supplement includes – you’ve guessed it – army-specific datasheets, rules, and bespoke Crusade content for the elite Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos, a.k.a. The guns are also pretty good against armies like Death Guard, which are looking popular early on. Still, if you want psychic ObSec terminators, the Grey Knights have got your back, and in 9th that’s a decent place to be. Against anything that isn’t widely ignoring cover or putting out AP-3, this should give an enemy a real fight. Sorry. Our second list brings back the classic mid-8th energy of triple Dreadknight, spiced up with the new 9th Edition tech of running lots of Terminators. Show Notes. It’s also much, much harder for opponents to try and work around you – spending a few turns screening your army out and remaining at a safe distance is just going to result in them losing the game on primary scoring. h�bbbf`b``Ťc� �Z � endstream endobj 87 0 obj <>/Metadata 5 0 R/Pages 4 0 R/StructTreeRoot 7 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 88 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 595.276>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 89 0 obj <> endobj 90 0 obj <> endobj 91 0 obj <> endobj 92 0 obj <> endobj 93 0 obj <>stream 0000010628 00000 n The Terminators want to sit on a home objective, while the other Paladin unit acts as either additional bodyguards for Voldus, or Gates onto another objective. 0000045648 00000 n Terminators x5, 1 hammer, 3 halberds, 1 stave – 205 Power: Gate of Infinity, Terminators x5, 1 hammer, 3 halberds, 1 stave – 205 Power: Hammerhand, Terminators x5, 1 hammer, 3 halberds, 1 stave – 205 Power: Astral Aim, Apothecary, hammer – 95 Power: Gate of Infinity. Obviously, up front, this could still change in the main rulebook FAQ whenver it comes, but my expectation would have been for it to be bolted onto the Brotherhood of Psykers ability in the codex FAQ if it was going to be. While they have no single thing that gets hit badly above rate on points, they were already very elite and increases on their core units hurt. This means if you do take successor, no Blood Claws or Wulfen for you. h�b```b``a`c`�bb@ !V�(������&N ��,�}W������/l�X2-,�(((��T���� )���x`�30�22�h(b�>���+�� The supplement, like its siblings, provided army-specific datasheets, rules, and bespoke Crusade content for the Space Wolves chapter of Space Marines. The changes to coherency make moving around 6+ model units slightly annoying and you have to pay more attention to casualty pulls, but more than likely this will get easier with experience. 0000048767 00000 n All of this is obviously good stuff, but that doesn’t mean there’s no change in value here. One of my favourite covers so far - on par with the Eldar one. They’re OK, but I’m less interested in throwing down power armoured bodies than I was, and the way the various cost changes net out mean you now pay a bit more for them you used to. Between Transhuman Physiology, Redoubtable Defence, Armoured Resilience, Sanctuary and Tide of Shadows you have a lot of tools to play with, and with a fairly reliable flow of 2CP a turn (thanks to Empyrean Domination) and only five turns to stretch out, if you can keep some of your bigger threats alive your opponent will find it very difficult to prise you out late game. 0000008345 00000 n Warhammer 40,000 8th Warhammer 40,000 7th. In theory it has the partial tradeoff of providing your opponent’s anti-tank with targets, but in practice you need tankbusting guns just to go after the core units here – while regular Terminators aren’t quite as tough as Paladins, this list still puts up a tonne of them, and will take real work to shift. We take you through all the biggest nerfs and buffs to the Grey Knights army along with the core strategies and thoughts on list creation. 0000016382 00000 n © Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2021 0000004497 00000 n As already kind of alluded to, your big option for holding Primary objectives is to ram some flavour of Terminator squad onto it and not let go. Start of turn scoring rewards powerful tarpit units, which Grey Knights have in Paladins and Terminators (the latter of which are Troops, so ObSec). You do also need to be mindful that it’s very likely any opponent without Psykers will be able to max Abhor the Witch easily against you. 9th edition list. 40k 9th edition faction focus featured grey knights Tactics Warhammer 40k, ©  2021 Goonhammer. Grey Knights were not a particularly good army in 8th, and that trend only have gotten worse at the start of 9th. That certainly provides a heck of a punch, and substantially ups the ranged threat the army can present, which is quite relevant in some matchups. 0000026115 00000 n Shane: I actually quite like Chaplains here still, with them knowing 2 Litanies, the fact that Invocation of Focus (extra -1AP) is always good, and that Litany of Faith gives out a 6″ aura of 5+++ vs mortal wounds makes for 2 good litanies to lock into a list. Massive point hike on falchions hurts their melee output. Are you an experienced player coming in from 8th edition? I do want to see if anyone managed to reconfigure a list that makes Strike Marines work, but in the meantime I’d suggest swinging hard towards the more elite options you have access to – the success of this list demonstrates that they can be really made to work.Wrap UpGrey Knights end up in a slightly odd place. The breadth across categories isn’t fantastic, and you’re definitely hoping your opponent has Assassinate targets, as you’re pretty good at scoring that. 0000012566 00000 n Warhammer 40,000, and Grey Knights psykers manifest Smite just like any other psyker unit. Only one entry here, Interceptor Squads, and I don’t think they’re likely to see much play. 1 Brotherhood Ancient. Strike Marines go up three points each, and are a bit more constrained in terms of upgrades. 12. share. That probably brings them closer to being usable, and there’s definitely some appeal to the legendary teleporting Land Raider in an edition where transports have gone up in value and they can shoot in combat (something that’s especially spicy on the Crusader and Redeemer). The gang tackles the Eternal War strike force missions and how we intend to pilot our lists and armies to victory. These lists have a lot of overlapping elements, which is probably going to be quite common – while Grey Knight still have powerful stuff, their really good options are pretty clear at this point. Being ObSec, tough and deep-strikable is a great combination too, and I think there’s potentially a use case for these both to fill out mandatory troop slots and as a replacement for a second Paladin bomb to free up some points. 8th Edition Codex (still current ). level 2. While that’s relatively on-par with the average rate across the game, it’s a bit above the rest of this army, and just means that running a full squad runs you 500pts minimum. A resounding “meh”. Well wait no more – today we’re going deep on the Knights of Titan to see what the new edition holds for the Imperium’s final line of defence against the Warp. 9th Edition Faction Focus: Grey Knights – Goonhammer Codex: Grey Knights is an expansion Codex book for the Games Workshop table top game Warhammer 40,000. These all went up pretty modestly once you factor in their gun costs, so end up a little less costly compared to the field as a whole. H�\�͎�0��y They also go up three points each, but that looks a tonne more reasonable starting from 35pts each rather than 17. We focus on the missions from a birds-eye view covering the general strategies we think you will need to consider to be successful in the new edition. A Grey Knight Gunner armed with Psilencer – Credit: Pendulin. Two big changes have hurt Grey Knights. 0000018895 00000 n Friendly Grey Knights Unit Until the start of your next Psychic phase, target unit has +1 to all wound rolls made with Melee weapons. Not a ton of units, but three hard to shift units that will sit on objectives and overall be threatening. Dreadnoughts got pretty light point changes, and the old staple of the Astral Aim sniper Vendread is probably still semi-fine, maybe even a bit better (though also totally skippable). This. Included:- 7 psychic power cards - 6 … First up in Heavy Support we have, naturally, the Land Raiders. That would be rude. Between the reduction in burst damage Strikes can put out, characters not being able to hide behind them at a distance and the reduced ability to spread a 6+ model squad out, I think you’re more likely to see one unit with more points spent on other stuff backing them up. 0000008252 00000 n Grey Knights – 8th edition Leaks. The first is the removal of the Psychic Focus rule. Purifiers lose an attack as well and Storm Bolters are much improved with Rapid Fire 2 … Today’s article takes a look at one of the biggest winners of late 8th Edition, Grey Knights. The Battalion Detachment is just like the current Battalion in 8th. the silver-shouldered badasses of the Deathwatch. The big, obvious difference here is that this list eschews any attempt at Paladin nonsense in favour of two more Dreadknights. A codex (often pluralised as codexes by Games Workshop, though the grammatically correct pluralisation is codices), in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop wargame, is a rules supplement containing information concerning a particular army, environment, or worldwide campaign.. Codexes for particular armies were introduced for the second edition of the game. That certainly provides a heck of a punch, and substantially ups the ranged threat the army can present, which is quite relevant in some matchups. 6 5 Astral Aim 18: Friendly Grey Knights Unit Even though it is an expansion to a rule in the 8th ed BRB, it does not and has never appeared in the BRB errata. Note: To pre-empt the comments – yes I’m aware of the current weird interaction with Tide of Shadows and Rare Rules and no I don’t think it’s intentional or will survive the rulebook FAQ. Grey Knights! All I can find in the data sheets are for the heavy psycannon , incinerator and nemesis doom glaive weapon. The Grey Knights clearly have a lot going for them at the moment, and the army could get more powerful still before the meta begins to react. 6 months ago. Use this Stratagem when a GREY KNIGHTS unit from your army that is not a VEHICLE or a SERVITOR is chosen as a target for an attack. Built using WordPress, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), How to Paint Everything: Working with Decals and Transfers, incredibly official Goonhammer store on RedBubble. 0000001296 00000 n Overall – get out your Terminators, look sadly at the 30 falchion Strikes you probably have. Looking for the latest updates to your codex or battletome? 0000049142 00000 n You are slightly susceptible to blast, but I haven’t found it to have much impact yet. They’re also good for doing Actions. However, we’ve seen that detachment now COST CP rather than give CP. Like all armies, Grey Knights have some objectives they’re especially well suited to, and some they’re a bit less keen on. You’ve also got the one squad optioned on Vortex of Doom to punish any opponent that clusters up too much in the centre of the table. For most of 8th Edition, Grey Knights were a bit of a joke. You also probably don’t want Chaplains nearly as much – being forced to choose their Litany at list building time makes them massively weaker, as the Grey Knight ones are quite niche. With less pressure to stay in Tide of Escalation for lots of the game, you have more latitude to use Tide of Shadows, and it provides an effective resilience boost even up close. 0000046393 00000 n The Tabletop Titans crew brings us tips on playing Grey Knights in 9th ed 40k! You already saw these in lists as “one more character”, and I don’t see that changing. That’s especially true on things with a native 2+ save, which helps out vanilla Terminators, who look like big winners thanks to being Troops and thus ObSec. 0000037500 00000 n Before we get started this article is a bit of a brain dump as I have digested the missions. Even … Page 3 of 4 - Grey Knights 9th edition wishlist - posted in + GREY KNIGHTS +: Are people expecting the 1 Grand Master per detachment rule coming our way? Each of these FAQs contains all of the most up-to-date errata and answers you’ll need to make sure that your games run as smoothly as possible, incorporating feedback from you guys and gals out there in the Warhammer community, the playtesters and of course, … There’s still basically no reason to take these – the fighters don’t really synergise with any of the rest of the army, while the Stormraven is probably too many points in one basket, hilarious though it is. Each of these FAQs contains all of the most up-to-date errata and answers you’ll need to make sure that your games run as smoothly as possible, incorporating feedback from you guys and gals out there in the Warhammer community, the playtesters and of course, our studio design team. Draigo (Astral Aim, Hammerhand) Librarian – WL (Loremaster), Santic Shard (Armored Resilience, Empyrean Domination, Warp Shaping) Chaplain (Edict Imperitus)(Litany of Faith, Invocation of Focus), 10 Terminators w/2x psycannon, 6 halberds, 4 staves (Gate) 10 Terminators w/2x psycannon, 6 halberds, 4 staves (Gate) 5 Terminators w/3x halberds, 2 staves (Gate), Apothecary w/Falcions (Sanctuary) 10 Paladins w/4x psycannon, 6 halberds, 4 staves (Sanctuary). The 9th Edition Space Wolves Codex Supplement was released on October 31, 2020. Basic Dreadknights have the same problem they’ve always had, which is not being Grand Masters, felt especially keenly as the two units went up by the same amount. Note: Commentors have pointed out that there was a mistake with the original list here at the event, and it’s over by 50pts. 0000012918 00000 n Original List - Click to ExpandGrey Knight BattalionHQGrand Master Dreadknight, hammer, psilencer, psycannon, teleporter, warlord – First to the Fray, Relic – Augurium Scrolls – 250 Power: Gate of InfinityGrand Master Dreadknight, hammer, psilencer, psycannon, teleporter – 250 Power: Gate of InfinityGrand Master Dreadknight, hammer, psilencer, psycannon, teleporter – 250 Power: SanctuaryTroopsTerminators x5, 4 Halberds, 1 Stave – 190 Power: Gate of InfinityTerminators x5, 4 Halberds, 1 Stave – 190 Power: Gate of InfinityTerminators x5, 4 Halberds, 1 Stave – 190 Power: HammerhandTerminators x5, 4 Halberds, 1 Stave – 190 Power: Astral AimGrey Knight PatrolVoldus – 160 Powers: Armoured Resilience, Warp Shaping, Empyrean DominationKaldor Draigo – 190 Powers: Inner Fire, Armoured ResilienceTerminators x5, 4 Halberds, 1 Stave – 190 Power: HammerhandTotal – 2000pts, 10CPOur second list brings back the classic mid-8th energy of triple Dreadknight, spiced up with the new 9th Edition tech of running lots of Terminators.Grey Knight BattalionHQGrand Master Dreadknight, hammer, psilencer, psycannon, teleporter, warlord – First to the Fray, Relic – Augurium Scrolls – 250 Power: Gate of InfinityGrand Master Dreadknight, hammer, psilencer, psycannon, teleporter – 250 Power: Gate of InfinityGrand Master Dreadknight, hammer, psilencer, psycannon, teleporter – 250 Power: SanctuaryTroopsTerminators x5, 1 hammer, 3 halberds, 1 stave – 205 Power: Gate of InfinityTerminators x5, 1 hammer, 3 halberds, 1 stave – 205 Power: HammerhandTerminators x5, 1 hammer, 3 halberds, 1 stave – 205 Power: Astral AimElitesApothecary, hammer – 95 Power: Gate of InfinityGrey Knight PatrolHQVoldus – 160 Powers: Armoured Resilience, Warp Shaping, Empyrean DominationKaldor Draigo – 190 Powers: Inner Fire, Armoured ResilienceTroopsTerminators x5, 4 Halberds, 1 Stave – 190 Power: HammerhandTotal – 2000pts, 10CPThe big, obvious difference here is that this list eschews any attempt at Paladin nonsense in favour of two more Dreadknights. 0000017666 00000 n It’s worth saying that Chapter Approved seems unclear on whether Brotherhood Champions live here or in HQ now, but realistically with the Apothecary option I don’t think you take them either way. Still, if you want psychic ObSec terminators, the Grey Knights have got your back, and in 9th that’s a decent place to be.If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, give us a shout at contact@goonhammer.com.Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Related, Grand Master Dreadknight, hammer, psilencer, psycannon, teleporter – 250 Power: Gate of Infinity, Grand Master Dreadknight, hammer, psilencer, psycannon, teleporter – 250 Power: Sanctuary, Terminators x5, 4 Halberds, 1 Stave – 190 Power: Gate of Infinity, Voldus – 160 Powers: Armoured Resilience, Warp Shaping, Empyrean Domination, Kaldor Draigo – 190 Powers: Inner Fire, Armoured Resilience. This list should lean on Tide of Shadows pretty well, but does have the option to switch to others in an emergency – it has enough units that if a key enemy really has to die it can often get it done with smites, and needs Shadows a bit less once battle is really joined. They were far from bad as soon as Ritual of the Damned dropped, but got crowded out because they didn’t benefit from the Tides other than Shadows, and you generally didn’t want to be in that for much of the game. 0000008887 00000 n ^� � L ,�,����~~��S���ef`�_ At the close of 8th Edition, the double Paladin bomb Grey Knight list was one of the armies to beat. 0000004071 00000 n 0000004963 00000 n 0000006211 00000 n Warhammer 40,000 8th Warhammer 40,000 7th. We’ve sort of already covered off what I’m going to say here – Strike Marines are substantially down in utility (but still fine to take a few units of to fill up your battalion if needed) while Terminators go up in value a lot. Character targeting changes hurt them quite a lot. Pick a Grey Knights Character and double the range of any aura abilities on its datasheet to 12″ for this turn. However I cannot find it any where. S '�% R��� �6D�J�ߠ��Q���фa��� The weapons page is really blurry but looks like statlines have ported across as expected (salvo turning to heavy for psycannon) and psilancer doing D3D. We have made a tweak to make it legal in the version shown, the original version is in the drop down below. ... Warhammer 40k Large Grey Knights Army w/ Codex, Data Cards. One of the ways to beat them was definitely to just weather their initial storm and then run them out of stuff, and having one fewer turn to do that, in combination with the wide variety of tricks they can pull, puts opponents under pressure from the word go. • This model can be equipped with 1 twin autocannon instead of 1 Dreadnought combat … Grey Knights end up in a slightly odd place. The origins of the Stormraven are unknown to the Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus, although it is whispered that its Standard Template Construct (STC) data file was found by a Techmarine of the Blood Angels Chapter in the early 41st Millennium, located in a long-forgotten Mechanicum archive on Mars. translation missing: en.products.notify_form.description: Notify me when this product is available: Games Workshop started the widespread use of datasheets with the onset of 7th edition and have included them as the central part of the rules section in codices published since May … 86 50 9th edition is out in the wild, and with it a whole raft of changes to the factions of Warhammer 40,000. One other thing that I think needs mentioning, Bring it Down is really good at making a 10 man terminator/paladin unit deal heavy damage to a Knight with shooting when combined with Tide of Convergence and psycannons/psybolt storm bolters. 0000003003 00000 n In battle, they move as an army of silver ghosts, surrounded by awe, and equipped to the teeth to deal with the worst foes … There also exists equal evidence of the Stormraven having been in the service of the Grey Knights Chapter of the Inquisition's Ordo Malleuseven earlier than that. Psycannons also go up a few points, so you probably don’t want to stick one of those in each unit either (though Psilencers are still pretty cheap), and all together you end up paying more for a unit that just does a bit less across the board. With the loss of falchions to up the output of strike squads, they give you a unit with more melee punch and more resilience for fewer than half the points, which is an attractive sell. Im assuming they will change it to a named wargear that gives him a 3++, but well see. Without Relic vehicles to take, you don’t want to be buying Servitors, while the reduction in Smite spamming kills the use case for the Ancients as well, as trying to set up the fancy flag combo isn’t really worth it. Like with almost every faction, there’s probably a bit more play in running Rhinos than there used to be, but here I think you want to adapt to the missions by swapping to Terminators rather than buying Strikes Rhinos. With less pressure to go wide, and hugely increased value of durable objective holders, these are newly appealing (and also didn’t do badly on the point changes). 0000010972 00000 n These lists have a lot of overlapping elements, which is probably going to be quite common – while Grey Knight still have powerful stuff, their really good options are pretty clear at this point. Grey Knights 8th Edition. Many players, especially Chaos players clutching their Daemon Engines to their chests and gently rocking back and forth, are probably wondering if that’s still going to be the case going into 9th Edition. Report Save. 0000046689 00000 n The change to Smite also increases the degree of diminishing returns from lots of characters, and makes the Brother Captain in particular look quite a bit worse, as increasing the range of smites was his whole deal. Having digested the changes, my gut feeling is that they’re still going to be good, but their lists and playstyle will change quite a bit compared to what we’re used to. While the Imperium's cliquish and labyri… Grey Knights are one of the armies to beat going in to 9th, and slightly beating the spread on the average change (which they narrowly do on what’s pretty much the stock list) was really what they needed to stay good – especially because they can trim points on Strikes and keep the dual Paladin bomb now that filling a second Battalion isn’t critical. Apothecaries, on the other hand, go up in stock a bit, simply as the cheapest character you can get in here. So long as our increase to repetitive smite cast doesn't get FAQ'd I think I've settled on a list that gives board control, damage output and some tank to it too . 8th Edition. Nemesis falchions are now four points for the pair while everything else is free, so yeah don’t take those any more huh. They also no longer take the move/shoot penalty on their guns, a nice upside. They suffered from having an extremely early codex from well before GW had figured out how to write elite armies, and although they got several rounds of point improvements they remained one of the weakest armies in the game, only played by the most dedicated. Does this mean the model was erased and only the weapons are now able to be used on any grey knights … By using abilities like Gate of Infinity and Edict Imperator to push early, you also force them to commit to trying to engage your bigger units early on when they’re still at full power, certainly not the most comfortable position to be in when against this army. With the amount of smites one can throw reduced, you might want to flex into some offensive powers, but I went with all the main utility abilities for now. The 9th Edition Deathwatch Codex Supplement was released, along with the Space Wolves, on October 31, 2020. Between this, across the board point increases and the army construction change, six Strike Squads in every list is dead – they no longer provide such reliable burst damage out of Deep Strike under Tide of Escalation, and you don’t need them to get enough CP to power your abilities. It to have much impact yet the guns are also pretty good against armies like Guard! The close of 8th Edition, Grey Knights were a bit of a joke Goonhammer... For this turn find in the drop down below Started this article is a bit of a.. Me when this product is available: 9th Edition faction Focus featured Grey Knights – the news... Of 8th Edition, Grey Knights psykers manifest Smite just like any other psyker unit Nemesis Dreadknight jump was mistake... Weak long-range firepower, and I don ’ t found it to much... 8Th Edition doesn ’ t widely ignoring cover or putting out AP-3 this... 8Th, and Grey Knights Tactics Warhammer 40k, © 2021 Goonhammer can operate in phases. 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