Image: Wikimedia Commons An Army Petroleum Supply Specialist (MOS 92F) is responsible for anything regarding the use and distribution of petroleum. PFC Smalls was instrumental in reconstructing the FARP to standard allowing it to reach max efficiency and pass all safety inspections. 92F (92SB-F) Beretta modified the model 92SB slightly to create the 92SB-F (the "F" added to denote entry of the model in U.S. Government federal testing) by making the following changes: Design of all the parts to make them 100% interchangeable to simplify maintenance for large government organizations. BULLET EXAMPLES: NOTE: MAKE SURE BULLETS REFLECT YOUR NCO. The form is used for reviewing individual nominations for decorations or awards, to record decisions made on those applications, and to maintain individual award case files. MOS 92F NCOER Bullets. Contact Disclaimer. Petroleum supply specialists take the standard ten weeks of Basic Combat Training (otherwise known as boot camp) and 11 weeks of Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Lee in Virginia. EQUIPMENT RECORDS PARTS SPECIALIST: At the Unit Level, 92As work as PLL/TAMMS clerks (Prescribed Load List/The Army Maintenance Management System), and are responsible for maintaining records of services performed, ordering and managing repair parts, dispatching vehicles and equipment, and maintaining operator licensing records. This document is divided into two main areas: SGT NCOER Direct Level bullet comments and SSG-MSG NCOER Organizational level bullet comments. As with all Army jobs, the training period is divided between on-the-job training and classroom instruction. His actions aided in the ultimate success of Operations ENDURING and IRAQI FREEDOM. His operational knowledge of the M978A4 Fuel Truck greatly aided in requisitioning and dispensing of over 7,000 gallons of F24 fuel to the DTAC vehicles and generators. o prepared five companies for deployment to multiple combat zones; ensured personnel were trained and equipment operational, o scheduled water cross-training for fuelers, truck drivers, and engineers multiplying self-sufficiency and expanding service, o trusted with responsibility for all water-related issues supporting the unit and exceeded expectations, o he was key factor in successful stand up of 1st Platoon's water purification station; freed unit from dependence on NATO unit, o she maintained a 95% operational readiness rate on over $1 million worth of non-standard water purification equipment, o implemented tough, realistic, and effective training for 3rd platoon's water purification section, o provided over 2 million gallons of purified water for FOB Speicher while deployed in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM 2, o produced 100,000 gallons of water daily to sustain Soldiers in MND North Iraq, contributed to overall success of the platoon's mission, o key to Company's successful move; maintained equipment at a high state of readiness during the move from Sea Girt to Fort Dix, o made critical on-the-spot repairs to the TWPS which enabled distribution of 70,000 gallons of water to 5,000 soldiers, o trained crew on set up and break down of TWDS and 20k bag, o volunteered for multiple details contributing to the overall mission's success of CSTX, o ensured all 154th QM Water Purification and Distribution Company equipment was accounted for, o demonstrated and instructed soldiers on radio practices, procedures and etiquette contributing to the improvement of the unit, o conducted OPFOR operations at the urban operations land during annual training, o executed the duties of ADVON, completed all tasks and provided necessary equipment for a seamless transition between the unit in Winterville and CSTX at Fort Dix, o overhauled maximum security cell block in Camp 5 and restored water service to 4 cells and cleared 2 sewer blockages, o erected the 800K FSSP for Erbil, Iraq FOB; experience with the FSSP was instrumental to the unit's success, o conducted multiple water/ice distribution and fuel missions; delivered over 500 gallons of fuel and 1,700 lbs of water/ice, o ensured water buffalos, light sets, and generators were full and running at all times; indispensable to the 87th Troop command FTX and CPX success, o accounted for and issued more than 1,500,000 Gal of JP8 to support the 244th, Combat Aviation Brigade's mission during OIR, o completed over 40,000 fuel dispensing and managing the FARP (FORWAR ARMING REFUELING POINT) and NTC Rotation, o Received, stored, and preserved over 1,000,000 gallons of POL that served a camp of 1,300 residents, o performed duties as SAMS-E clerk, maintained necessary parts to keep rolling stock at a high readiness state, o served as the company's environmental officer, ensured everyone complied with standards, o conducted daily FARP inspections and weekly PMCS on equipment to maintain the Company's 100% readiness rate, o managed the fuel section of the distribution platoon; supervised 5 Soldiers, dispensed 7,000 gallons of fuel in support of vital convoy missions, o distributed over 100,000 gallons of F-24 fuel to support international operations over Somalia, o assumed responsibility for Pump Station #3 during AT and pumped over 1,500,000 gallons, o supervised operations and enforced safety procedures; was directly responsible for the operation crew sustaining zero injuries during the entire training mission, o trained 4 non-mos qualified soldiers to safely conduct fueling operations during annual training, o enforced safe operating procedures during a bulk fuel draw; facilitated squadron's mission, o delivered 50,000 gallons of purified water during a rotation to Pohakuloa Training Area, o ensured HEMTTs were mission capable; performed PMCS, minor repairs and topped-off side tanks, o made load sheets for each HEMTT and loaded all equipment that was needed during the AT period, o conducted inventory of HTAR systems and tagged equipment that was not operational, o ran Millipore samples to check fuel filter effectiveness; prevented potential failures, o key to the 101 CAB Combatives Team winning second overall during the Eagle Combatives Tournament, o introduced FARP training for JTF-B units; increased Joint Task Force expeditionary FARP capabilities, o used prior experience to teach and conduct hot re-fuel missions, issuing 5,000 pounds of fuel which directly supported battalion airborne operations, o participated in multiple convoy missions and transferred over 3,000 gallons of bulk fuel to the FSC, o was instrumental in the movement and distribution of more than 6,000,000 gallons of JP8 to eight separate locations in the austere conditions of combat, o identified, contained and cleaned up a fuel spill in Alpha Company's motor pool; prevented hazardous environment, eliminated threat to welfare, o assisted in the designing and planning of the expansion of FOB Salerno theater FARP and AHA; improved aircraft versatility and ammuntion storage capacity by 20%, o implemented and strictly enforced a fuel pilferage deterent system resulting in only 3% fuel losses from host nation fuel delivery contractors, o awarded the designation of Demonstrated Logistician and completed the Additional Duty Safety Course, o managed and maintained 100% operational readiness of three theater FARPS concurrently by providing non stop fuel and ammunition support 24/7, o outstanding mentorship and coaching resulted in Task Force NCO and Soldier of the Month winners during combat operations, o supported 2,000 flying hours during six exercises and issued 300,000 gallons of JP-8 in response to 115 fuel requests, o contributed to 2013 CAPEX; pumped 130,000 gallons of JP-8 for 34 C-130s which fueled successful 1,000-Ranger air assault exhibition, o served as a Company Slingload Inspector; rigged and inspected twelve non standard loads in direct support of remote located Task Force FARPs, o trained and rehearsed all Soldiers to be reactive and proactive in FARP and AHA safety procedures; resulting in flawless execution of all tasks, o instilled the desire to put forth the maximum effort in missions and duties; motivated his NCOs to take on tough missions and suceed, o responsible for and maintain over six million dollars worth of accountable MTOE equipment without loss or damage, o issued and maintained the storage of over five million gallons of JP-8 fuel and over seventy tons of ammunition valued at over twenty million dollars without loss, o directly responsible for ensuring his FARPs were in compliance with all OSHA, HAZMAT and safety regulations; highly praised during two safety inspections, o integrated expeditionary FARP training into the battle rhythm of JTF-B units; increased the Joint Task Force's expeditionary FARP capabilities, o Soldier was selected to be acting Platoon Sgt for an undetermined amount of time until the AGR position is filled, o NCOIC of the FSSP system at warrior exercise 91 14-03, pumping over 170,000 gallons of DF-2 diesel fuel, o due to his strong leadership no major accidents or spills occurred during warrior exercise 91 14-03, o exceeded 10,000 gallons of F24 fuel; ensured the success of all refueling operations, o demonstrated exceptional motivation and dedication to his duties supporting 40th BSB operations, o developed and implemented procedures for FARP awareness and spill contingency plans, o served as Junior Team Leader at Peason Farp during JRTC, o recovered 5,000 gallons of JP-8 that was unaccounted for in logs, o refueled over 5,000 aircraft; issued over 1,000,000 gallons of fuel, o maintained 3 HEMTT Trucks and all basic issue items in top condition at all times, o trained shift NCO on closing daily and monthly fuel accountability reports, o kept aircraft on schedule and reduced required engineering support by 30%, o loaded 4,000 2.75 rockets and over 1,000,000 50 cal rounds ISO TF Lightning Horse, o performed 11 hot refueling operations and dispensed over 10K gallons of JP-8 with a record response time average of 9 minutes, o mastered the Army's most diverse hydrant system, routing 90K gallons of fuel to ten aircraft at 5 stations and enabling delivery of 20 tons of cargo. We need more examples. SPC AKO, AUDRY has shown unwaivering and tireless effort in performing her duties as a 92F for ALPHA COMPANY, 29TH BSB. ACHIEVEMENT #1 __RANK / NAME__ distinguished himself by his exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as the _____ Battalion Senior Food Operations Sergeant.His monumental leadership and technical expertise provided concurrent training for his Soldiers the necessary guidance to ensure only the highest standards were … Army MOS 92F refuel everything from vehicles to aircraft like helicopters and jets. Examples can be posted by using the form below. HELP! MOS 92F Award Bullets. o worked numerous hours, on and off-duty, planning and coordinating the operational, logistical and administrative requirements for the turn in and consolidation of Connexs. ARCOM Awards; Army Commendation Awards. His operational knowledge of the M978A4 HEMTT Fuel Truck greatly aided in the requisition of and safe distribution of over 1,600 gallons of F24 fuel to the 196th Infantry Brigade vehicles and generators. Further, he selflessly volunteered to backfill and assist base POL workers during periods of manpower shortages. Now, if you know who the CDR and 1SG of the dude who dun dead-ed and was then revived by the PFC, enlist their help for high lighting said PFC's awesomeness. The berretta M9 (similar to the 92) was the first handgun that I used to develop my shooting skills. Operated terminal plt pipeline, working 84 hours per week for 10 months=3366 hours working with 18 (210,000) bags all at same time. Sergeant Williams also rewrote the Fuels section's rotational training program to match training tasks with METL progression, bolstering qualification by 30 percent. “I tell people to write bullets … SPC Ako has proved in numerous Field Training Excercises that soldering and working go hand in hand. 92f award bullets for arcom" Keyword Found Websites ... MOS 92F Petroleum Supply Specialist Awards. Im reaching the end of my deployment and want to know everyone's opinion on the subject. More information about these opportunities and other considerations concerning occupations related to MOS 92F … PV2 Rayburn played an instrumental role in the success of the 551st Military Police Company's Live Fire Exercise (LFX). Conducted 3 point FARE (Forward Area Refueling Equipment) for hot refueling aircraft and helicopters with engines running. Thanks for your contributions! STP 10-92F15-SM-TG HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Soldier's Manual and Trainer's Guide MOS 92F PETROLEUM SUPPLY SPECIALIST SKILL LEVELS 1, 2, 3, 4, AND 5 o produced 100,000 gallons of water daily to sustain Soldiers in MND North Iraq, contributed to overall success of the platoon's mission, o prepared 3 companies for deployments and ensured personnel were trained and equipment was operational, key to successful operations, o scheduled water cross-training for fuelers, truck drivers and engineers, reduced size of and support requirements for deploy teams, o was responsible for all water-related issues pertaining to the unit; participation in all all planning ensured continuous support, o stood up 2nd platoon's water purification section, allowing permanent settlement and expansion in the region, o maintained 95% operational readiness rate on over $3 million dollars of water purification equipment, o filled and secured 2K gallon water bladders for emergency airlift to remote outposts; rescued drought victims, o developed and implemented realistic and highly succesful training for 2nd platoon's water purification section, o deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II, provided over 3 million gallons of purified water to FOB Speicher. Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence beyond the chain of command, ... o supervised installation's newspaper production resulting in 3 DA and WESTCOM awards for excellence o directly responsible for A Co taking "Top Gun" in Division on TT VIII Staff Sergeant Williams executed 12 ABFDS combat missions, delivering over 33,000 gallons of AVGAS downrange to Forward Operating Bases. The last part of this list contains example senior rater bullets that selection boards like to see. The noteworthy accomplishments of Sergeant Bernard reflect credit upon himself, 961st Quartermaster Company and the United States Army. Today, I want to provide some sample Army MSM bullet points. Each main area is subdivided by CMF to better assist you in finding the information that best pertains to you and your Soldiers. PFC Africano has proved in numerous Field Training Excercises that soldering and working go hand in hand. HELP! PV2 Rayburn spent countless hours ensuring that our unit's Tank and Pump Unit (TPU) was fully mission capable in order to issue over 500 gallons of fuel to over 15 vehicles during this exercise. We need more examples. For instance “won drill sergeant of the year” is a good bullet to explain why an excellence rating is given for the “competence” area. MOS 92F, Petroleum Supply Specialist Award information and examples. DA Form 638, Recommendation for Award, is a United States Army form used for recommending a soldier for most awards, except wartime awards, awards for valor and heroism. You can’t just wing it. HELP! Soldiers may temporarily utilize the “plank” exercise in lieu of the Leg-Tuck to assist in transitioning to the full test. U.S. Army Automated Logistical Specialists are responsible for performing warehouse functions including inventory, loading/unloading shipments, and … If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. ACHIEVEMENT #1 SGT _____ served exceptionally a MGS Vehicle Commander for _____ Company from _____ through _____. 92F Award Examples. This supplement provides a foundation to ensure that we develop the best Non- For professional achievement as NCOIC, Fuels Training. Below are examples of commonly required categories of awards bullets to help you get started. PFC Malone's on-site presence ensured all F24-powered equipment was fueled and prepared for the upcoming JPMRC rotational training exercise. MOS 92F Petroleum Supply Specialist. To contribute examples, please use this form. Especially the big ones. We need more examples. Education/qualification: In order to qualify for MOS 92G, soldiers need an 85 aptitude score in the operators and food (OF) area of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. Citizenship: Not Required AIT Length / Location: 10 weeks, 3 days at Ft Lee, Virginia MOS 92F NCOER Bullets. The noteworthy accomplishments of Sergeant Williams reflect credit upon himself, the 961st Quartermaster Company and the United States Army. SPC C's on site presence ensured all F24 powered equipment was fueled and prepared for 24 hour operations throughout the DTAC rotational training exercise. Contact Disclaimer. HELP! Master Sergeant Bernard oversaw the issue of 20 million gallons of fuel that supported over 20,000 combat training missions and 23 United States Army exercises annually. Writing Army Awards. SSG - MGS Vehicle Commander PCS-AAM. SPC Ako works along side other Fueler Handlers but distinguishes herself by her "can do" attitude and devotion to excellence. Petroleum Supply Specialist/Squad Leader. Individuals will also participate in some classroom instruction. His attention to detail guaranteed 100 percent accountability of seven product fuel accounts valued at more than $120,000,000. Examples can be posted by using the form below. SPC C's expertise as a Petroleum Supply Specialist (92F) was a key function for the Division Tactical Command Post (DTAC) training exercise from 01 September to 10 October 2015. 92A's are assigned to, and supervised by the maintenance … Thanks! Due to his experience, foresight, and preparation, Sergeant Knox received zero findings on the last two U.S. Coast Guard annual inspections of the Petroleum, Oil, and Lubrication (POL) fuel off-loading dock. PFC Malone's expertise as a Petroleum Supply Specialist was a key function of the initial setup of the 196th Infantry Brigade JPMRC Instrumentation System from 02 May to 10 May 2017 at Yakima Training Center. Finally, Sergeant Bernard's supervision and dedication to the section's mission solidified its selection as the recipient of the American Petroleum Institute Award for the "Best Fuels Section" in the Army 2012. Deployed as a fuel handler at COP Nangalam and conducted over 200 refuel missions which ensured the Reefer units, generators and other critical support equipment were always operational. Qualifications for initial award of MOS 92F, Petroleum Supply Specialist: PULHES: 211221 Physical Demands Rating: very heavy Required ASVAB Score: CL: 86 & OF: 85 Enlistment Bonus: Level 4 Security Clearance: None U.S. Excellence bullets should be demonstrated by specific examples and measurable results, as are the sample ones in this list. SVC MSM Senior Food Operations Sergeant. This guide isn’t intended to be a source of “cut and paste” bullets for you to simply “check the block” on an evaluation. Thanks! Training Information for MOS 92F . HELP! o dispensed and received over 5 million gallons of JP-5, and JP-8 at four different facilities with perfect safety record/zero mishaps, o performed tests on 47 fuel samples for color, water presence, density, flashpoint, and particulate; guaranteed quality. In addition, normal color vision is required. 91B - SVC - ARCOM. Thanks! o graduated at the top of his class from MOS school with a 94% average and scored superior on all evaluations, o exceeded expectations of staff and is a soldier worthy of emulation, o accepted challenges and views assignments as opportunities for growth, o devotion to duty and earnest desire for success have made him a capable aircraft refueler, o assisted in the designing and planning of the expansion of FOB Salerno theater FARP and AHA; improved aircraft versatility and ammuntion storage capacity by 20%, o implemented and strictly enforced a fuel pilferage deterent system resulting in only 3% fuel losses from host nation fuel delivery contractors, o awarded the designation of Demonstrated Logistician and completed the Additional Duty Safety Course, o managed and maintained 100% operational readiness of three theater FARPS concurrently by providing non stop fuel and ammunition support 24/7, o outstanding mentorship and coaching resulted in Task Force NCO and Soldier of the Month winners during combat operations, o instilled the desire to put forth the maximum effort in missions and duties; motivated his NCOs to take on tough missions and suceed, o responsible for and maintain over six million dollars worth of accountable MTOE equipment without loss or damage, o deployed as a fuel handler at COP Nangalam and conducted over 200 refuel missions which ensured the Reefer units, generators and other critical support equipment were always operational, o established a working fuel point with secondary containment and protection againts enemy IDF which extended span of control by 50 miles, o qualified himslef on the ATLAS forklift to fill gap in force protection efforts around the COP, o acted as POL NCOIC for COP Nangalam, provided flawless fuel consumption and scheduling reports and ensured timely fuel resupply, never let COP Nangalam go black on fuel. PFC Smalls has proven his technical proficiency in OEF Afghanistan 11-12 by being able to troubleshoot and repair operator level maintenance issues on the Lonewolf Farp at FOB Salerno. Leads NCOER Bullet Comments. Thanks! A wide range of civilian job opportunities is available within the private and public sectors that align with MOS 92F Petroleum Supply Specialist military training and experience. Assistant PLT SGT during Operation Desert Shield/Storm setup. Thanks! NCOER bullets for MOS 92F, POL, Fuels, Petroleum Supply Specialist. ACHIEVEMENT #1 __RANK & Name__ unparalleled commitment and work ethic led to the completion of _#_ vehicle services and _#_ unscheduled maintenance repairs to various types of equipment.__RANK & Name__ was sought after throughout the battalion for her/his knowledge and expertise on All Terrain Vehicles (ATV). Remember - AAM, generally one bullet or accomplishment, and ARCOM typically requires all 4 - plus when said Soldier PCS's he can't use this event or other events wrapped into this award for his PCS. For meritorious service as Water & Fuels Systems Maintenance Specialist. He supervised the issue of 11 million gallons of fuel to over 1,700 vehicles and aircraft. 92F Duty Descriptions. In addition, during this period he deployed to AL Udeid Air Base, Qatar, where he coordinated fuel movements on the busiest flight line in the Department of Defense. Back to MOS 92 NCOER Bullets. Issued 10 (5000) tankers fuel and off-loaded 10 (5000) tankers plus issued JP4 through a pipeline to 7th Marine Corps at same time using 1250,350, and 100 gallon per minute pumps and generations. The noteworthy accomplishments of Sergeant Knox reflect credit upon himself, CRTC Gulfport Air National Guard and the United States Army. PFC Africano works along side other Fueler Handlers but distinguishes herself by her "can do" attitude and devotion to excellence. MOS 92F—Petroleum Supply Specialist. I feel like giving everyone an ARCOM or AAM just because they deployed down grades everyone who did something award worthy. First off I like the Beretta 92fs. 92F40 Platoon Sergeant Throughout his time with the company, SGT _____ performed the duties of a MGS vehicle operator and leader in the Headquarters Platoon in the utmost professional and expert manner. o served as a Company Slingload Inspector; rigged and inspected twelve non standard loads in direct support of remote located Task Force FARPs, o trained and rehearsed all Soldiers to be reactive and proactive in FARP and AHA safety procedures; resulting in flawless execution of all tasks, o instilled the desire to put forth the maximum effort in missions and duties; motivated his NCOs to take on tough missions and succeed, o responsible for and maintained over six million dollars worth of accountable MTOE equipment without loss or damage, o issued and maintained the storage of over five million gallons of JP-8 fuel and over seventy tons of ammunition valued at over twenty million dollars without loss, o directly responsible for ensuring his FARPs were in compliance with all OSHA, HAZMAT and safety regulations; highly praised during two safety inspections. In addition, Sergeant Williams tracked 5 War Readiness Material R-11s, valued at more than $800,000, with zero discrepancies during a no-notice inspection. This is the first successful re-fuel mission the Battalion has conducted in over 24 months, saving the 551st a full day's worth of valuable training time by keeping their vehicles from making two hour round trips to refuel. Instead, these examples are intended to get you, the Rater, to break your writer’s block and create unique bullets for … Thanks! SPC C's expertise as a Petroleum Supply Specialist (92F) was a key function for the Division Tactical Command Post (DTAC) training exercise from 01 September to … Duty descriptions can be posted by using the form below. We need more examples. If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. Made sure 24 soldiers were fuel handler certified and their safety and welfare needs were met. PFC Carmen Africano has shown unwaivering and tireless effort in performing her duties as a 92F for ALPHA FSC, 1-38 FA. Quartermasters Awards; DA 638; 92A Automated Logistical Specialist, 92F Petroleum Supply Specialist, 92G Food Supply Specialist, 92L Petroleum Laboratory Specialist, 92M Mortuary Affairs Specialist, 92R Parachute Rigger, 92S Shower / Laundry and Clothing Repair Specialist, 92W Water Treatment Specialist, 92Y Unit Supply Specialist Thanks for your contributions! In addition, he simultaneously monitored the annual $70,000 oil-water separator contract, ensuring continued optimum performance throughout this period. It is a solid performer and durable. Thanks for your contributions! In October 2020, the ACFT becomes the Army’s PT Test. His expertise and experience was indispensable to the Battalion receiving an "Excellent" rating. If you are recommending someone for a Meritorious Service Medal and you are writing the citation for this type of award, you really need to put some thought into it. You need to be detailed, thorough, use real numbers and be as specific as possible. But, once you get started, it gets easier and easier. To contribute examples, please enter them below and click Submit. MOS 92F Duty Descriptions. Thanks! What is your opinion on end of tour awards. Back to MOS 92 Awards. We need more examples. If you have them, we need more examples. Awards can be hard to write. A bullet comment should be one or two lines and should illustrate what a soldier did to receive a particular rating. Once you get started, we need more examples this period Fuels Systems Maintenance Specialist to Forward Operating.... Training tasks with METL progression, bolstering qualification by 30 percent executed 12 combat... For meritorious service as Water & Fuels Systems Maintenance Specialist Systems Maintenance.... 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