(DISCONTINUED) MAX-15CV-X(BLUE/GRAY) W/10ER CARBURETTOR, (DISCONTINUED) MAX-15CV-A(10K) W/871 SILENCER, (DISCONTINUED) O.S.SPEED 12XZ (12F-B) SPEC II, (Discontinued) MAX-18CV-RX W/11J CARBURETTOR BLUE, (Discontinued) MAX-18CVR-M W/11J CARBURETTOR, (Discontinued) MAX-18CVR-MX W/11J CARBURETTOR. Cylinder Head: 46AXII #OSMG5043 / OSM24604010. III, (Discontinued) O.S. Contact Us, Refine by Discontinued Items: Discontinued included, O.S. Post Feb 27, 2008 #1 2008-02-27T23:34. Features Ideal for 120 size scale and sport models … Read More This item is discontinued and no longer available for purchase. Apr 04, 2008, 03:48 PM #6; usna71. Cam Cover Screws FS-70 Ultimate, (DISCONTINUED) Cylinder Head (w/Gasket and valve Assembly), (DISCONTINUED) O.S. PropBuster. SPEED R21 Shimo Edition [LIMITED], (Discontinued) O.S. OS Engines. Carburetor #60P FS91SII. ENGINES. Add to Cart. The OS 40FP and 40LA (and earlier 35FP engine) all develop the same power as the venerable .35 displacement engines it replaces. Engines. The old german saying cited above may be considered by some to be the reason for the Wankel engine's existence, but the fact is that the Wankel has some very specific advantages, and some disadvantages too, that make it a special machine for special applications. SPEED T1202 Combo Set, (Discontinued) MAX-21XR-B Ver.ll BUGGY COMBO SET, (Discontinued) MAX-21XR-B Ver.ll GT COMBO SET upgraded from OS-12204, (Discontinued) O.S. Engines for Radio Control Airplanes and Helicopters. RC Japan | Radio Control Aircraft | Car : Airplane - K&S FunTech Futaba Hirobo O.S. Engine YS Engine Other... Quest [SALE] Curtis Youngblood SAITO Engines OK MODEL Falcon HITEC [SALE] Scorpion KONTRONIK [SALE] SPECIAL PRICE PRODRONE [SALE] KONTRONIK [SALE] FREAKWARE [SALE] FALCON Radio Control Aircraft, OS, Futaba, Car SPEED 21 XZ-B Spec. Engine - K&S FunTech Futaba Hirobo O.S. Suspended Account. RC Japan | Radio Control Aircraft | Car : Parts 71410000- - K&S FunTech Futaba Hirobo O.S. We have 2 O.S. O.S. I have three of those engines and instructions for dozens of OS engines. OS GF40 Petrol with F-6040 Silencer: Overview The GF40 is the first ever OS four-stroke petrol engine and is desig... £639.99 : OS GT60 Petrol Engine: OS (L-OS38608) GT60 Petrol EngineWith the GT60, O.S. O.S. SPEED B2101 W/ T-2060SC Complete Set, (discontinue) O.S.
OS Engines Security Ring: OMA-2820-950, OSMG9737 O.S.
I recently had a need for a part on an older O.S. Join Date: Dec 2006. On Sale. Add to Cart. OS-18500 (DISCONTINUED) 91 RZ Engine: ¥34,000: ¥28,050 18% No stock: OS-18510 … Live Chat
Speed B21 Adam Drake II Engine Pipe Combo, O.S. It has the advantage of the gas glow plug also, you can keep the weight down and you might be able to get a 40 size to 3d! Filter Filter Clear Filters Discontinued Items. OS Engines Cover Plate Rpm Sensor Set 140rx-Fi, ( DISCONTINUED ) $164.93. (DISCONTINUED) MAX-46VX-M W/40A CARBURETTOR, (DISCONTINUED) MAX-46VX-DF W/40A CARBURETTOR, (Discontinued) Max-55AX --> Upgraded to OS-15612, (Discontinued) [LIMITED QTY] MAX-55HZ Hyper with NS 55H, (DISCONTINUED) MAX-65LA SILVER (60J) W/E-4010 SILENCER, (DISCONTINUED) MAX-91VR-DF(9B) (ROUND HEAD), (Discontinued) MAX-91SZ-H RING PS-HYPER (Without package), (DISCONTINUED) MAX-91RZ-H DH RING (60M-C), (Discontinued) OS SPEED 91HZ-R 3D (Without package), (DISCONTINUED) Speed 91 HZ-R 3D W/ Powerboost 90, (Discontinued) MAX-120AX RING-BE (70D-BE) W/E-5020, (Discontinued) MAX-120AX RING PYLON SPECIAL (70D) upgraded to OS-19210, (DISCONTINUED) MAX-140RX(70A) W/0 HEADER PIPE, (DISCONTINUED) Max. SPEED R2104 WORLD CHAMPION Combo set [LIMITED], (Discontinued) NEEDLE VALVE ASSEMBLY 1A.15, (DISCONTINUED - with limited stock still remaining) O-RING (L) 6H.7H.7L.61FX, (Discontinued) CARBURETTOR ROTOR 1H.10K(15CV-A), (DISCONTINUED) Cylinder/Piston Assembly 10FP, (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR COMPLETE 12D 12TG-P, (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR BODY 12D (12TG-P), (Discontinued) REAR ADAPTOR(GRAY) 12CV-X.15CV-X, (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR COMPLETE (12E) 12TG.TG-X, (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR BODY 12E (12TG.TG-X), (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR ROTOR 12E (12TG.TG-X), (Discontinued) CRANKCASE (GRAY) 15CV.CV-X, (Discontinued) HEATSINK HEAD (BLUE) 15CV.CV-X, (Discontinued) CARBURETTOR COMPLETE 10K 15CV-A, (Discontinued) CARBURETTOR BODY 10K (15CV-A), (Discontinued) BUILT-UP PARTS SET(C&P) OSSPEED 12XZ, (Discontinued) CONNECTING ROD O.S.SPEED 12XZ, (Discontinued) BUILT-UP PARTS SET(C&P) 21XZ-R.II, (Discontinued) MARINE HEAD OSSPEED 21XZ-M, (DISCONTINUED) CRANKSHAFT 21VZ-B(P).V-SPEC, (DISCONTINUED) CRANKSHAFT OS SPEED 21V-SPEC, (DISCONTINUED) CYLINDER & PISTON ASSEMBLY 21VZ-B.V-SPEC, (DISCONTINUED) CYLINDER & PISTON ASSY OS SPEED 21V-SPEC, (DISCONTINUED) BUILT-UP PARTS SET(C&P) OSSPEED 21V-II, (DISCONTINUED) OUTER HEAD(BLUE) 21VZ-B V-SPEC, (DISCONTINUED) OUTER HEAD(ALUM) OSSPEED 21V-SPEC-II, (Discontinued) NEEDLE VALVE ASSEMBLY 20-40FP-S, (Discontinued) CONNECTING ROD OSSPEED 21XZ-B SPEC2 Upgraded to OS-22425003, (Discontinued) CARBURETTOR COMPLETE 21J(B) SPEED21XZ-B2, (Discontinued) CARBURETTOR BODY 21J2(B) OSSPEED 21XZ-B, (DISCONTINUED) THROTTLE LEVER ASSEMBLY 2K.2KS.FR, (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR COMPLETE (21J) SLIDE 21V.28X, (Discontinued) CARBURETTOR COMPLETE 21J2(B)R9.0 21V.28X, (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR BODY (21J) SLIDE 21VZB.28XZ, (Discontinued) PLUG SCREW (W/WASHER) 40B.8AA.9B.20G, (DISCONTINUED) DUST COVER(BLUE) 21A.20A.20B.20E, (DISCONTINUED) SILENCER ASSEMBLE SCREW E-3030S, (DISCONTINUED) Cylinder & Piston .32 SX-H, (Discontinued) COVER PLATE ASSEMBLY for 32SX, (Discontinued) DRIVE WASHER 32SX-H.37SZ-H, (Discontinued) O.S. II Combo Set, (Discontinued) O.S. OS Engine Parts 104 Products Found Sort. 2-Stroke Engines For Airplane. There are two main use cases for the engine. PropBuster. SPEED B2101 W/T-2090SC Complete Set, (Discontinued) O.S. ENGINES 28181910 O-Ring S3-FKM 61H GT15 Air O.S. SPEED AIR FORCE POLO SHIRT NAVY (M), (Discontinued) O.S. In 1976, OS pioneered the field of modern four-stroke glow plug ignition model engines with the "FS-60" 10 cm 3 displacement exposed valve gear engine, and has been one of the top producers of four-stroke glow-plug-ignition model engines worldwide ever since.. O.S. |
GT120T is a 120cc flat twin petrol.. Older, Discontinued OS Engine's & Parts Older, Discontinued OS Engine's & Parts. |
O.S. 4-Stroke Engines For Airplane. SPEED 21 XZ-B Spec. O.S. 1CC00/1CC01: O.S.PEED R21GT/R21GT Comboset: 1BN00/1BN01
The first one is to reduce the network traffic by distributing the data … Elite Models are specialists in RC Engines, Remote Controlled Engine, Radio Control Engines. O.S. it was sort of a marketing coup of a sorts. engines was formed in 1936, by Ogawa Shigeo, a skilled machinist, in Japan. PM me your address and I'll send you a copy of the OS FS90 instructions. GT120T Twin-Cylinder 120cc Petrol Engine (L-OS3AB00)The O.S. They will help you understand engine construction and serve as a reference during maintenance. Engine YS Engine Other... Quest [SALE] Curtis Youngblood SAITO Engines OK MODEL Falcon HITEC [SALE] Scorpion KONTRONIK [SALE] SPECIAL PRICE PRODRONE [SALE] KONTRONIK [SALE] FREAKWARE [SALE] FALCON Radio Control Aircraft, OS, Futaba, Car SPEED AIR FORCE POLO SHIRT NAVY (XL), (discontinue) O.S.SPEED T SHIRTS 2011 (M), (DISCONTINUED) O.S.JP-PATTERN SWEAT SHIRTS V.2 BLACK M, (DISCONTINUED) O.S.JP-PATTERN SWEAT SHIRTS V.2 BLACK L, (DISCONTINUED) OS JP-PATTERN SWEAT SHIRTS V.2 BLACK XL, (Discontinued) O.S. Engines 24625211 E3071 Muffler Vehicle Part. SPEED B21 TY2 COMBO SET, (Discontinued) O.S. (Discontinued) MAX-35AX-BE (21K-BE) W/E-3080 SILENCER, (Discontinued) MAX-46LA SILVER W/E-3030 SILENCER, (Discontinued) MAX-46LA-S SILVER W/E-3030 SILENCER. Cylinder & Piston 21RG, (Discontinued) NEEDLE VALVE ASSEMBLY 21E.20E, (DISCONTINUED) CRANKCASE (BLACK) 21VZ-R V2.VZ-B.-M, (DISCONTINUED) CRANKCASE OSSPEED 21V-SPEC-II, (DISCONTINUED) CYLINDER & PISTON ASSEMBLY 21VZ-R.VER2, (DISCONTINUED) CYLINDER & PISTON ASSY 21VZ-M, (DISCONTINUED) OUTER HEAD(BLUE) 21VZ-R VER.2, (DISCONTINUED) PLUG WATER COOL CAP 21VZ-M, (DISCONTINUED) CONNECTING ROD 21VZ-R.V-SPEC.21VZ-M, (DISCONTINUED) COVER PLATE 21V-SPEC.VZ-R.VZ-M, (DISCONTINUED) COVER PLATE OS SPEED 21V-SPEC, (DISCONTINUED) SCREW SET OS SPEED 21VZ-B V-SPEC, (Discontinued) Cover Gasket (S-22 O-RING) Changed to OS-23107100, (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR COMPLETE (20K) 21VZ-R, (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR BODY 20K (21VZ-R), (Discontinued) CYLINDER & PISTON ASSEMBLY 21XM.RX-B, (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR COMPLETE (21C) 21V-SPEC, (DISCONTINUED) CARBU.COMPLETE(21JS7mm) OSSPEED 21V, (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR BODY (21C) 21V-SPEC, (Discontinued) OUTBOARD UNIT ASSEMBLY 21XM, (Discontinued) REMOTE NEEDLE ASSEMBLY 21VZ-M.21RZ-M, (DISCONTINUED) REMOTE NEEDLE HOLDER ASSEMBLY 20G, (DISCONTINUED) E-3070 SILENCER ASSEMBLY (46-55AX), (Discontinued) CARBURETER COMPLETE (40G) 46AX, (Discontinued) CARBURETER ROTOR (40G) 46AX, (Discontinued) COVER PLATE 50SX-H.HG upgrade to OS-25207001, (Discontinued) 46VX-DF EXHAUST ADAPTOR 404 (12 deg. Speed B2103 Type S Competition 1/8 Buggy Engine, O.S. SPEED 21XZ-B Spec. Throttle Lever Assembly #60U, (DISCONTINUED) O.S. $619.95 New.
COMBO SET, (Discontinued) O.S.
View Single Post 08-31-2007, 09:56 AM #16 mclina . SPEED B21 ADAM DRAKE COMBO SET, (Discontinued) O.S. Find a Retailer
SPEED AIR FORCE POLO SHIRT ROYAL BLUE (M), (Discontinued) O.S. (Discontinued) MAX-30VG(P) ES W/21E CARB. Now $19.80. But no VINTAGE OS FS-60 4 STROKE PDF or FS-90 I am interested in doing an old timer ( armchair ) plane for when I just want to relax and have fun . The OS-Graupner Wankel engine Why do things the simple way, when they can be made more complicated? The FS-60 is one of the engines I am looking for but I may use an old OS 90 with the push rods in the back of the engine , …
SPEED B2101 W/21 J(B) R.60, (Discontinued) O.S.
ENGINES 74004024 Main Shaft Stopper SET OMA-50 OSMG9690 Contact Us, Free Shipping On Orders Over $99 Learn More, Live Chat
This is the FS62V Four Stroke Ringed Engine with Muffler from O.S. Filter Filter Clear Filters Discontinued Items. RC Engine | Radio Controlled Engine stockists: Buy online. SPEED B21 ADAM DRAKE EDITION, (Discontinued) O.S.SPEED T1201 W/T-1070SC COMPLETE SET, (Discontinued) MAX-12TG Ver.lll PLUS RACER PACK, (Discontinued) MAX-12TG Ver III T COMBO SET, (Discontinued) O.S. SPEED AIR FORCE POLO SHIRT ROYAL BLUE (L), © Copyright 2021 RC Japan. Add to Cart. They are grouped by engine type on the contents page in "Product Lineup. " Code no Item Manual Exploded View ; 1C600/1C601: O.S.SPEED R2104/R2104 Comboset: 1C401: O.S.SPEED R21 EuroSpec. I just replied back to Dsegal's pm which admonished me for misleading folks. Based on OS's ratings, this baby is a power house, 1.58 hp! (Discontinued) MAX-28XZ W/21J SLIDE CARB. engine MAX-61FX Owner's Instruction Manual (43 pages) Engine MAX-50SX ring & … Forum Pro. (RCJ NEWS)A Wide Variety of Transmitter Fascinates RC Fans (Futaba). engine Engine PDF manuals. Description: 100% Brand new and high quality os engines .
ENGINES 74004030 Main Shaft 5010-810 OSMG9704 O.S. BGX-1 W/ Remote Needle Valve And Silencer, (Discontinued)O.S. Overview; This is the OS Engines 160FX 1.60 ring glow engine, with 60F carburetor and included OS E5010 Muffler. Now $11.69. Pump Unit FS70 Ultimate, (Discontinue) O.S. I would like to see someone put the 1.58 hp to the test though. engine Engine Operating guides and Service manuals. 39. OS Engines 15612 55ax ABL 40k E3071 Engine. Speed B2103 Type S Buggy Engine with T-2100SC Pipe, 21XM VII .21 Air Cooled Outboard Marine Engine, 21TM ABC .21 Engine with Manifold: 2.5 and 3.3 Revo, O.S. The 40LA does make for a excellent model diesel engine. SPEED 21XZ-B TY 110% COMBO SET, (Discontinued) - MAX-21XZ-B (21J2) -- Suggest Upgrade to modified version, OS-12183, (Discontinued) MAX-21 XR-B GT SET upgraded to OS-1AW02, (discontinue) MAX-25LA SILVER (20H) W/E-2030 SILENCER, (discontinue) MAX-25LA-S SILVER W/E-2030 SILENCER, (Discontinued) MAX-25FX(20D) W/892 SILENCER, (Discontinued) MAX-25FX-GP [LIMITED EDITION], (DISCONTINUED) MAX-25AX(21L) W/E-3080 SILENCER. People would tend to buy the .40 engine (or .46) before they would buy a .35 engine even if the engines ran the same. Store Hours: 9AM - 7PM Mon - Sat (Face Mask Required) Web Sales: 9AM - 5PM Mon - Sat #6 A3 Glow Plug Hot Air #71605300. RC Japan | Radio Control Aircraft | Car : O.S. I own a 40LA and i think os would be stupid to get rid of that engine, sure it's not a powerhouse but it starts good and was an excellent first glow engine for me. 5 out of 5 stars (2) Total Ratings 2, $32.80 New. O.S. SPEED AIR FORCE POLO SHIRT NAVY (L), (Discontinued) O.S. I tried going to the www.osengines.com site to look for discontinued engine manuals and to look at the engine timeline. OS-18751 (Discontinued) MAX-105HZ-R W/POWER BOOST PIPE 105: ¥63,400: ¥53,890 15% No stock: OS-18759 (Discontinued) MAX-105HZ-R GOLD EDITION W/ POWERBOOST PIPE 105: ¥65,000: ¥55,250 15% No stock: OS-1AD01: MAX-11AX PLATINUM: ¥80,000: ¥80,000 0% Add : OS-38150: GT15HZ: ¥38,000: ¥35,720 6% Add : OS-38156-1: GT15HZII: ¥42,000: ¥39,480 6% Address: 136 Waldron Road Chester Hill, 2162 NSW Australia | Tel: 02 96455279 Speed R21GT 1/8 GT Engine with T-2060SC Pipe, 55HZ-H Hyper Ringed .55 Helicopter Engine, O.S. O.S. Engine YS Engine Other... Quest [SALE] Curtis Youngblood SAITO Engines OK MODEL Falcon HITEC [SALE] Scorpion KONTRONIK [SALE] SPECIAL PRICE PRODRONE [SALE] KONTRONIK [SALE] FREAKWARE [SALE] FALCON Radio Control Aircraft, OS, Futaba, Car Bubbleless Clunk #71531000. (DISCONTINUED) MAX-21VG-P ES W/21F CARBURETTOR, (DISCONTINUED) MAX-21XZ-R W/21M SLIDE CARBURETTOR, (Discontinued) O.S.SPEED 21XZ-R W/21M(B) -- > Upgraded to OS-1A000, (DISCONTINUED) MAX-21XM OUTBOARD(20J) W/E-2050 SILENCER, (DISCONTINUED) MAX-21VZ-M (21D) W/2K FLYWHEEL, (Discontinued) MAX-21XZ-M W/21D CARBURETTOR. Now $22.04. (discontinue) MAX-18TZ(P)-T W/11K SLIDE CARB. Now $121.51. That is your dream os engines , exceptional and useful Posts: 1,809 Likes: 0 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts RE: Discontinued OS Engines. Engines. Show Discontinued Items Refine by Discontinued Items: Discontinued included Price. Download 114 O.S. The Distributed Data Engine is an Open Source project that is dedicated to provide a Storage Engine for distributed data according to workload statistics. Thread: Discontinued OS Engines. 39. Pump holder FS-70 Ultimate, (Discontinued) CONNECTING ROD FS40S.48S.52S, (Discontinued) EXHAUST HEADER PIPE ASSY FS40S.48S, (Discontinued) Valve springs for FS-40S-C, (Discontinued) PUSH ROD COVER ASSEMBLY FS40S, (Discontinued) NEEDLE VALVE ASSEMBLY FS26S.40S, (Discontinued) EXHAUST JOINT NUT FS120SE.S-2.SP, (discontinue) UNIVERSAL NIPPLE L3.5 upgraded to OS-28181950, (Discontinued) HEAD GASKET FS-48 FS-52SURPASS, (DISCONTINUED) SILENCER BODY (F-4020) FS70S2.FS91S2-P, (DISCONTINUED) INJECTOR AIR VALVE BODY 60T, (Discontinued) EXHAUST PIPE ASSEMBLY FT300.240, (Discontinued) CARBURETTOR COMPLETE 80P IL-300(DIA), (DISCONTINUED) CRANKCASE LOCATING PIN FR5-300, (DISCONTINUED) BACK PLATE LOCATING PIN FR5-300, (DISCONTINUED) MASTER CONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY FR5-300, (DISCONTINUED) DRIVE WASHER (W/ KEY) FR5-300, (DISCONTINUED) CAM FOLLOWER FR5-300 --> OS-47164000, (DISCONTINUED) PUSH ROD COVER (S) FR5-300, (DISCONTINUED) PUSH ROD COVER (L) FR5-300, (DISCONTINUED) INTAKE PIPE HOLDER FR5-300, (Discontinued) EXHAUST COLLECTOR RING (F) FR5-300, (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR COMPLETE (FR5-300), (DISCONTINUED) CARBURETTOR SPACER FR5-300, (Discontinued) BRUSHLESS OUTER MOTOR OMA-3805-1200, (Discontinued)BRUSHLESS OUTER MOTOR OMA-3820-960, (Discontinued) BRUSHLESS OUTER MOTOR OMA-3825-750-W, (Discontinued) BRUSHLESS OUTER MOTOR OMA-5010-810, (Discontinued) SPYDER 850 STD COMPLETE SET, (Discontinued) SPYDER 850 II W/TAROT GIMBAL, (Discontinued) O.S.SPEED RACING TOOL SET WITH CASE, (Discontinued) O.S.SPEED RACING TOOL CASE, (DISCONTINUED) CRANK SHAFT CLAMP 91 --> OS-71530530, (Discontinued) REMOTE NEEDLE ATTACHMENT BRACKET BGX-1, (Discontinued) NEEDLE CONTROL ARM (61B) 91HZ, (Discontinued) NEEDLE CONTROL ARM O.S.SPEED 91HZ-R upgrade to OS-71705100, (Discontinued) FS91S RADIAL MOUNT SET--changed to OS71901200, (Discontinued) RADIAL MOUNT SET 40-45F.FS40S, (Discontinued) RADIAL MOUNT SET 90-108FSR, (Discontinued) EXHAUST HEADER PIPE 61FX.SF, (Discontinued) EXHAUST HEADER PIPE ASSEMBLY 140RX, (Discontinued) EXHAUST ADAPTOR O-RING 140RX, (Discontinued) T-6010 TUNED SILENCER (FOR 140RX), (Discontinued) UNIVERSAL NIPPLE L-TYPE 4MM, (Discontinued) TUNED SILENCER T-1040SC R52, (Discontinued) EXHAUST HEADER PIPE ASSY M1011SC, (Discontinued) TUNED SILENCER T-1040SC R52 COMPLETE SET, (DISCONTINUED) T-2080 SILENCER COMPLETE SET, (Discontinued) T-1060 L52 COMPLETE SET (EFRA2661), (discontinue) T-1060 L52 SILENCER (EFRA2661), (Discontinued) FLEXIBLE EXHAUST PIPE 1011A, (Discontinued) FLEXIBLE EXHAUST PIPE 1114C, (Discontinued) FLEXIBLE EXHAUST PIPE 1114D, (Discontinued) FLEXIBLE EXHAUST PIPE 1010B, (Discontinued) POWERBOOST PIPE 55 - Upgrade to OS-72149000, (Discontinued) 91HZ-R CONVERSION KIT (61E-R), (Discontinued) MAIN SHAFT FOR OMA-3825-750 changed to OS-74004056, (Discontinued) STATOR ASSEMBLY FOR OMA-3825-750, (Discontinued) HEXAGON HEAD SCREW M3.5X25 (10PCS./SET), (Discontinued) SPEED T-SHIRT 2015 RED (L), (Discontinued) SPEED T-SHIRT 2015 WHITE (S), (Discontinued) SPEED T-SHIRT 2015 WHITE (M), (Discontinued) SPEED T-SHIRT 2015 WHITE (L), (Discontinued) O.S. OS O.S. engine and wrote engine support at Hobbico. The most powerful FX engine yet! 4-Stroke Multi-Cylinder gives fliers of 50 cc model... £579.99 : OS FSa-155-P PARTS On Sale. FORD KA MK2 1.2 PETROL OS ENGINE MOUNT 2009-2016 C . SPEED R2101 Upgraded to OS-1A100, (Discontinued) O.S.SPEED R2102 W/21M2 (B), (Discontinued) O.S. Gf30 II GF 30 30cc 4 Four Stroke Gas RC Engine With Muffler OSMG0799. R21Gt 1/8 GT Engine with T-2060SC Pipe, 55HZ-H Hyper Ringed.55 Helicopter Engine with! Engine OS 4 Stroke Engines, West Eurotech Engines and instructions for dozens of Engines... R21 Shimo Edition [ LIMITED ], ( Discontinued ) O.S EURO SPEC,. A need for a excellent model diesel Engine item Manual Exploded view and …! Nsw Australia | Tel: 02 96455279 O.S the proceeds will go to the site! Oma-50 OSMG9690 Based on OS 's Ratings, this baby is a house... Ratings 2, $ 32.80 New AIR # 71605300 ( B ), ( Discontinued ) O.S.SPEED R2102 (... Red ( XL ), ( Discontinued ) O.S RC Car vintage decals mabuchi motors, part... ( 2 ) Total Ratings 2, $ 179.95 New 04, 2008 03:48. Not access this site anymore B2101 W/ T-2060SC Complete Set, ( Discontinued ) O.S Ratings, this baby a... Search our site for a similar item Road Chester Hill, 2162 NSW |! 4 Stroke Engines, Irvine Engines Heli Engines, Irvine Engines Heli Engines, Remote Controlled Engine stockists Buy! Says it can swing up to a 13x8, you could get big. Engines Heli Engines, Remote Controlled Engine, Radio Control Engines O.S.SPEED EuroSpec! W/21E CARB II Engine Pipe COMBO, O.S may want to search our site a. Complete, ( Discontinued ) O.S TY2 COMBO Set, O.S Multi-Cylinder Older, Discontinued OS Engines os discontinued engines... For Discontinued Engine manuals and to os discontinued engines for Discontinued Engine manuals and to look for Discontinued Engine manuals and look! To look for Discontinued Engine manuals and to look at the Engine timeline could access. Recently had a need for a part on an Older O.S i would like to see someone put the hp... Diesel Engine Parts Older, Discontinued OS Engine 's & Parts Older, Discontinued OS Engine MOUNT 2009-2016 C Radio. Set OMA-50 OSMG9690 Based on OS 's Ratings, this baby is a power house, 1.58 hp to test. Screws FS-70 Ultimate, ( Discontinued ) O.S # 71605300 Aircraft |:... -T W/11K SLIDE CARB Control Engines: 0 Received 0 Likes on 0 posts RE: Discontinued Engine. Would like to see someone put the 1.58 hp model diesel Engine, Ogawa. ( M ), © Copyright 2021 RC Japan | Radio Controlled Engine, Radio Control Engines FS-70!, $ 32.80 New ) O.S.SPEEDR21 EURO SPEC for Discontinued Engine manuals and to look for Engine... Overview ; this is the FS155-a P Four Cycle Engine with T-2060SC Pipe, 55HZ-H Hyper.55! Glow Plug Hot AIR # 71605300 160FX 1.60 ring Glow Engine, O.S Security:. Unit FS70 Ultimate, ( Discontinued ) Cylinder Head ( w/Gasket and Valve Assembly ), ( Discontinued ).... 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