AEGCP's are implemented on construction sites to oversee: The OSHA standard mandates that any time a worker is at a height of six feet or more, the worker is at risk and needs to be protected. The SDS is a mandated, standardized, 15-section, detailed … This process is known as: OSHA requires that many categories of PPE meet or be equivalent to standards developed by: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI). B. giangvd. Symptoms of silicosis ____________ , so workers should have a chest x-ray to see if there is lung damage. The purpose of this training … Earn 3 CEUS, Card & Certificate! �0G�D�=� �%�� Ea�9��v��>b�ΏI�����'�/ xp�0m�ŕ��Wu�Z�W�*�m4�a��e��R��k��0��F^�D^�x�qa�H��Hx^����J�o� � These rules were combined under the umbrella of OSHA. Each safety quiz has an answer key. OSHA Training Quiz Answer Key 1. the employer 2. Click below to see your answers and scores. 1. In 2005, how did nursing rank among occupations reporting work‐related musculoskeletal disorders involving days away from work? Mechanical demolition refers to demolition using equipment like: OSHA's electrical standards are based on: What are the four main types of electrical injuries? PLAY. True 7. Underground electrical hazards are: A. Lockout/Tagout Initial Test Answer Key 1) What three classes does OSHA divide employees into as they pertain to LO/TO? Prior to starting all demolition operations, OSHA 1926.850 (a) requires that an engineering survey of the structure be conducted by a competent person. When dismantling a scaffold, all work should be conducted: Tube and coupler scaffolds over 125 feet high must be designed by: What type of scaffold - other than the tube and coupler scaffold - is ideal for use around complex structures? 1. 3 0 obj Take a free OSHA training practice test. Questions and Answers 1. 25 terms. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM TRAINING QUIZ Group/Dept. 1. endobj %PDF-1.5 Oh, one more thing: Please keep in mind, these questions were written for a manufacturer. a. second b. fifth c. eighth* d. tenth. OSHA SAFETY TRAINING TEST ANSWERS. 1 E) a) Authorized, Committed, Other b) Authorized, Infected, … Under OSHA, employees are not protected from discrimination when reporting a work-related injury, illness, or fatality. Fire- Follow your … Employers must provide a training program that teaches employees who might be exposed to fall hazards: How to recognize such hazards and how to minimize them. True or False: Only personnel instructed in the requirements of the standard and the task to be performed - along with their tools, equipment and materials needed for the job - are allowed on the platform. OSHA promulgated the Final Rule for Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training [29 CFR 1910.178(1)], which: -- Requires operator training and licensing as well as periodic evaluations of operator performance. Employers must: Ensure that the safety monitor is a competent person knowledgeable about fall protection. %���� A. 2 0 obj In the case of materials handling, storage, use and disposal, remember that the main hazards are injuries from: Because the number of injuries from operating powered industrial trucks was on the rise, the OSHA standard for Powered Industrial Trucks was revised March 1, 1999. <> Use the Treen Safety Sales training … Operators must complete three separate aspects of powered industrial truck training: formal training, practice training, and: To adhere to fire safety precautions, flammable and combustible materials must be stored according to: General safety principles that can help reduce workplace accidents include: Material handling tasks should be designed to minimize _________ of the given activity. OSHA 1926.454(c) states: When an employer has reason to believe that an employee lacks the skill or understanding needed for safe work involving the erection, use or dismantling of scaffolds, the employer shall: Retrain each such employee so that the requisite proficiency is regained. Only employees need to demonstrate and practice safe manual lifting techniques. Through the OSHA and SCHC Alliance, SCHC developed this presentation for informational purposes only. It does not necessarily reflect the official views of OSHA or the U.S. Department of Labor Hazard Communication Training Course Quiz Answer … True / False 2. 39in -45in. Warning labels are required on refrigerators, freezers, waste containers, etc., if they … This scaffold is simply a rope attached to a harness with an assembly like a boatswain's chair for the worker to sit in. Cal/OSHA is developing training on the ETS that it will provide in a webinar format. Provide guards on power tools and other equipment with moving parts. The noise exposure measurement your employer makes must include all continuous, intermittent and ______ noise within a range of 80 dB to 130 dB. Get All Answers to OSHA 30 Construction Final Exam Osha 30 test answers. 1 0 obj All jacks - lever and ratchet jacks, screw jacks, and hydraulic jacks - must have a device that stops them from: A narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground in which the depth is greater than the width - with the width not to exceed 15 feet. The quiz below is specifically designed to see how much you know about the prevention of falls on site. Audiometric testing monitors an employee's hearing: Acute silicosis occurs after a few months or as long as 2 years following exposures to ________ concentrations of respirable crystalline silica. Simple pretensioned beams and slabs of spans up to about 7 meters (23 feet): Can be demolished in a manner similar to ordinary reinforced concrete, True or False: Electrical detonators can be inadvertently triggered by stray RF (radio frequency) signals from two-way radios. Approximately 75 percent of struck-by fatalities involve: It is preferable not to drive a vehicle in reverse if you have an obstructed rear view, but if you do, make sure: Workers are most at risk from falling objects when standing or working: To prevent injury from flying debris, use safety glasses, goggles, face shields, etc., where machines or tools may cause flying particles; and always inspect tools, such as saws and lathes, to ensure that: The protective guards are in good condition and firmly attached. The two steps for avoiding hazards that are always taken before the need for PPE is considered are: The three main scaffold types are aerial lifts, supported scaffolds and: Because using cranes or derricks to hoist personnel poses a serious risk to the employees being lifted, any cranes and derricks that hoist personnel must: -- Be placed on a firm foundation and be uniformly level within 1 percent of level grade. Because there is always the chance that the wheel wasn't sound and could disintegrate or explode. Powder-actuated tools are extremely dangerous, with a "firing" mechanism similar to that of: If a powder-actuated tool misfires, the employee should: Wait at least 30 seconds, then try firing again. When employees use their own PPE, the employer is responsible for assuring its adequacy, including proper maintenance, and sanitation of such equipment. OSHA requires that all excavations in which employees could potentially be exposed to cave-ins be protected by one or more of the following three methods: The formula for all simple slope excavations 20 feet (6.11 meters) or less deep states that for every foot of depth, the trench must be excavated back: Trench boxes or shields must be designed or approved by: Shoring or shielding is most often used when: The location or the depth of the excavation makes sloping back to the maximum allowable slope impractical. Required OSHA 10-hour Training Topics While there is some flexibility with respect to 10-hour training content, OSHA recognizes a need for content consistency across different instructors and training … 2. Quiz Material in the Members Area. True or False: Before the advent of OSHA, a cohesive system of separate rules existed that effectively governed the American workplace. The most effective way to prevent exposure to crystalline silica is: Substitution of a product that contains silica with a product that doesn't contain silica. education, and training in the field of occupational safety and health.” Material contained in this publication is in the public domain and may be reproduced, fully or partially, without permission. 1. The four lifting principles that govern a crane's mobility and safety during lifting operations are: Center of gravity, leverage, stability and structural integrity. ... 360 OSHA 10HR Training (Module 3b Quiz… False All employers covered by the OSHA Act are covered by part __________ regulation, which required … ... An employer is only required to offer the HBV vaccination series to employees working in a hospital. No modifications or additions that affect the capacity or safe operation of a crane or derrick should ever be made without: The manufacturer's written approval, which should be kept on file. Questions and Answers . 2. ��!�4��!t�9�\v=h>�"��!��P�9/t��q�D�� Employers must provide training and evaluation with employees E) Once every 3 years. ... What else is required of an employer training program? Safety footwear has to meet minimum compression and impact performance standards, set by: Gloves that are chemically resistant are usually made from: True or False: Full-body protection is sometimes made from materials such as duck, paper-like fiber, or rubberized fabrics, depending upon the hazard. In noisy jobsites, these are often used to provide instructions to crane and derrick operators: Since its implementation in 1971, OSHA has: -- Helped cut work-related fatalities nearly in half and cut excavation and trenching fatalities by more than a third. True or False: Once a fall protection device has been inspected by a competent person and deemed safe for use by an employee, it is up to the employee to inspect it regularly and ensure that it still meets OSHA requirements. The three elements of a basic program for electrical safety are: All portable electric tools that are damaged shall be: If you have a three-prong plug and a two-hole receptacle, it is acceptable to: Use an adapter with an adapter wire connected to known ground. See a full list of avaialble OSHA HazCom training courses here. ... Take This Ultimate OSHA Training Quiz Take This Ultimate OSHA Training Quiz . A list of all hazardous chemicals in the workplace must be created and kept updated. F) After a near-miss or an accident. Created by. -- Engineering and Administrative Controls. Test. False Correct answer … A. True b. Two other errors mentioned in this module that often lead to trouble are: Improper maintenance and failure to conduct regular inspections. Employers must provide employees with effective information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area: -- At the time of their initial assignment. Truck-mounted and rough terrain cranes are both forms of a mobile crane, and both use which of the following to increase their stability? All vehicles used for the transportation of explosives shall have tight floors, and any exposed spark-producing metal on the inside of the body shall be: Covered with wood or other non-sparking material. Which industries are employees potentially exposed to silica dust: Anytime an adapter is used to accommodate a two-hole receptacle, the adapter wire must: If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet: They must be protected by guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS). Employees working in the vicinity of a crane must take care to avoid what kind of accident? <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> :_____ Date: _____ Name(Print Legibly): _____ Directions: Write the best answer for each question in the box. If this is the approach at your job site, then: You must clean and disinfect the eyewear between each use. endobj A training program to teach proper lifting techniques should cover: -- Knowledge of the basic anatomy of the spine, muscles, and joints of the trunk. Each question is designed to familiarize you with some general safety topics that may be covered on our OSHA 10-Hour Courses and 30-Hour Courses. You should have head protection if which of the following apply to your job? G) If an employee has been observed … SITE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION 6. 1. Manual materials is the most common category of compensable injuries in the United States work force, with four out of five of those injuries involving: When manually moving materials, employees should always try to lift it alone if a load is so bulky it cannot be properly grasped or lifted, when they cannot see around or over it, or when a load cannot be safely handled. osha 30 final exam v6 answers.pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD OSHA 30 Final Exam Answers OSHA 10 Final Exam OSHA 30 Final Test Answers to OSHA 30 Test Ad related to osha 30 final exam v6 answers OSHA 30 Hour Special $159 - Take Your OSHA 30 Training Online. Gravity. a. OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Quiz 4: The OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. This is a working document that will be updated to reflect additional questions … B. ... A safety quiz does not replace safety training but should be used to check employee safety knowledge. BBP Training Quiz . The first step in building a scaffold is to: A scaffold must be erected "plumb, square, and level," because: If a scaffold is built even a few degrees off plumb, the resulting instability could cause the weight of the scaffold to shift, potentially causing the overloading of one leg and the eventual collapse of the scaffold. Bloodborne Pathogens Training must be provided every 3 years. A ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protects workers from shock by: Matching the amount of current going into an electrical device against the amount returning from the device and shutting down power if a ground fault is detected. Because the number of injuries from operating powered industrial trucks was on the rise, the OSHA standard for Powered Industrial Trucks was revised March 1, 1999. The type of fall protection required will depend upon: The four main causes of crane accidents are contact with power lines, overturns, falls and mechanical failure. General knowledge test. The mission of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is: To send every worker home whole and healthy every day. To contrast that to Construction regs, the trigger height for fall protection in OSHA… Rated load capacities, recommended operating speeds, and special hazard warnings or instructions must be: Conspicuously posted on the crane, where the crane operator can see them while he is at his control station. Share 0. ��R�Dv]paʒ@d�:I�p���%"��ZK�W�㥚�����x�d����_l���Q�U6E�H�� To determine whether employees need hearing protection, employers have to consider: -- The loudness of the noise, as measured in decibels. Match. OSHA Safety Quiz Bank. All explosives must be accounted for at all times, and all not being used must be kept in a: OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard (HazCom) is designed to ensure that information about __________and associated protective measures is disseminated. So a few questions are specifically written for OSHA’s General Industry regulations such as the 4-foot rule for guardrails. rymday. Flashcards. �e/�gO���v�S�ٗ�z�2�2�|iB{J��� _�о���?�0鋔�LJ�̸�N�h_����OK�s��iG|��2C��~�� A statement describing … � ��.U�f�+2脶pБ��l5�nZ�����:�L�xx�;�� �ۣ���:4L�2�KW��*f�-VX��0�]����r�n�`S�uv��~��� D���!��p���ܡqI�����h���{�E�'�`�a4d��꥘�k��,��L �Ʒ>T��M�^�����;w—bj 2��AVL�k�R�a���0Uf\ a�������ꄡ��**5>�{�l,D6��}3����n{t��(Yt�X�����3��֋�M�Q��A�3�\�8C(��X[�v�t��ov&j���ۮr���%�Eh���� o7�($���A��2=���Ʒ>Tm�����R��|%�w� _ Which of the following is an element of a hearing conservation program? Try this amazing OSHA HAZWOPER Training Quiz: Trivia! Hot wires, ungrounded wires that can cause a shock if you touch them, are usually: More than 50 percent of electrocutions are caused by a worker coming in direct contact with: The OSHA standard requires flexible cords to be rated for: What is the most frequent violation of OSHA electrical standards? Share +1 0. <>>> Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Thank you for taking our practice exam! The critical first step in developing a comprehensive safety and health program is to identify physical and health hazards at a work site. 2. OSHA 30 Construction Test Answer Key MANAGING SAFETY AND HEALTH - Flash Cards. The Consultation Branch will be available to answer employer questions about the ETS. B�����. OSHA answers. All hazards involved in the use of power tools can be prevented by following five basic safety rules: Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance; examine each tool for damage before use; operate according to the manufacturer's instructions; provide and use the proper protective equipment; and: Live parts of electric equipment operating at 50 volts or more must be: While any employee is exposed to contact with parts of electric equipment or circuits that have been de-energized, the circuits energizing the parts shall be: The two best means of avoiding electrical shock or injury when working with power tools are: The majority of today's power line accidents occur because: Of failure to maintain proper work distances. Because of this, the following is required: -- A certified crane operator must be used. Thus, refresher training is crucial to brush up workers’ safety and health knowledge and help them stay safe. Which of these is required if the worker's body, hands or clothing may come into contact with moving parts? [ VIEW ANSWER… Download File PDF Osha Training Quiz Answers Osha Training Quiz Answers OSHA SAFETY TRAINING TEST ANSWERS. There are a number of requirements that employers must do to protect their workers from caught-in or between hazards. 50 terms. Electrocution, electric shock, burns, indirect (e.g., a fall from a ladder). True 5. It is an OSHA requirement to have a Respiratory Protection Program in place if a respirator (including a N95 Filtering Facepiece) is required … A fall from a ladder ) Equipment Quiz - Trainers Module Please mark the correct answer below: 1 training. Quiz Take this Ultimate OSHA training Quiz Take this Ultimate OSHA training answer... Step in developing a comprehensive safety and health program is to identify physical and health knowledge and help stay! 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