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��D�XҞ�����'�����o{��a�R/} �!\dvM��#H }}��R��HIܔ�dhe����%&�i�+ Photos by Rich Dionne Townies Julia Rocha … ܔ�$�n�ߤadHe���. 2. >> 6 0 obj The old forms are no longer valid to participate. /Type /XObject /BitsPerComponent 8 ALL Students/Families must complete THE NEW Assumption of Risk form (RIIL for MH & RIPCOA for KMS) 3. We will now require ALL students to submit a new form. 3. Revised RIIL Assumption of Risk Form /Height 1700 Concussion Awareness Statement. Footer Spotlight Message. /Parent 1 0 R This form can be found on the SKHS Website under Athletics, Mrs. Guglielmo is a Notary and will be made available to sign your Assumption of Risk form. Sign in. "JvHR�w�m_O���,!JK�l��nT����'$��� Є� q �� A yearly exam is still strongly encouraged for … &�H��|�\�*m(�V� �
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������N�s����5~[w Once during a student's four high school years, a notarized RI Interscholastic League assumption of risk form must be submitted to the athletic department. *�0ʴۮ��l~!��3s�7H�M������R@�;u�����k�27��,�4��lD1X�� ��j! !1A"Qaq#2���B��R��$3br�%&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������� RE�z�=������(��{w�� u��d�ڭ���P��[C������!�Y RIIL Assumption of Risk : State Physical Form: Transportation Slip : Lincoln Middle School: Online Registration Directions: State Physical Form: Assumption of Risk : Transportation Slip : Middle School Handbook: Athletic Policy : Student Insurance: Online … Click Here for new form. 2. **Please remember to register online and submit your NEW RIIL assumption of risk form (AOR) and a current physical in time to be able to participate! �� � y !1 AQa"2Bq#3R������$br�4�% v � D[ B��k�[o��D.˭
�/PH�=?X. ASSUMPTION OF RISK FORM _____ The undersigned, being an adult prospective student-athlete or parent/legal guardian of the undersigned minor prospective student-athlete, hereby acknowledge that said student seeks to participate in a student sports program sanctioned by the Rhode Island Interscholastic League (“RIIL”). /Img1 Do Contact School Hours 7:50am-2:47pm (401) 466-5600 Fax: (401) 466-5610 lcunningham@bischool.net 15 … You can check out and purchase photos at the link below: Be academically eligible 6. Booster Club ; Narragansett School System; Coaching Info. HI ���jB�TQ�:��"]H������b! * As of 8/6/2020 there is a new risk form from the RIIL required for all high school student-athletes. Information on Schools & the RIIL . RIIL ASSUMPTION OF RISK FORM . �p
� s��6�� All Rights Reserved. /Subtype /Image School & Youth Programs Concussion Act - Title 16-90-1 Findings of fact—The Rhode Island General Assembly hereby finds and declares: (1) Concussions are one of the most commonly reported injuries in children and adolescents who participate in sports and recreational activities.A concussion is caused by a blow or motion to the head or … ALL Students/Families must complete THE NEW Assumption of Risk form (RIIL for MH & RIPCOA for KMS) 3. endobj /Length 27 w^�� �_� "RA7Q ����7� �t�Ǽ �� @ B�>` � � � � � � � � � � @ @X)RA�{�K(ӥ)J}�����1 Q��� �6P��ۼ 5I�v#�� �� @�@�@1�i(�Un�*�Vm�d{������n�� � '�������h g���T����?�!���M�����@�F�7܋u�1�A �/�����u{X�h$Y^��)I�C�S��t��-� XRR��P@H�k���pB�CwZ�.� ��� ��X�E�7 6$� �u_~�����ӵ͏S� �F�N��J��~}��:Pe'k�x �
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����aY�8;+V��۷��8z��r ��3ӳ�6���O�k�L����p�� New users – Create an Account or use Returning Users . Coaching Requirements << THIS FORM AND ONLY THIS FORM IS TO BE USED COMMENCING SEPT. 2014 RHODE ISLAND INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE WARNING ACKNOWLEDGMENT, AUTHORIZATION, CONSENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK FORM _____ The undersigned, being an adult prospective student-athl ete or parent/legal guardian of the * As of 8/6/2020 there is a new risk form required for all high school student-athletes. ��B�~���R���k{�� �YB���T� 5��B��=���P0N�m��)$_�o� .8R�0!VN�O_� �д�ڀ��}��K �.�zB��M��6��}�+ �������\,+���'H�P:{��p��Y�R=Dq���,��
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