“An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans . In general, you want to avoid these things on your record or security clearance disqualifiers are likely: Using a controlled substance. The fact that an individual has entered treatment voluntarily, without it being required by a supervisor or a court, is a definite plus. The Cleared Brief - Latest security clearance news - delivered monthly. New York: Harper & Row. There are several paths to success if you're getting out or thinking about getting out of the military after just one tour. Related: Does your resume pass the 6-second test? ClearanceJobs is a DHI service. If necessary a security adjudicator will consult with a qualified government mental health practitioner, and if any doubt remains about an applicant’s reliability, the applicant can be required to undergo a medical evaluation by a psychiatric consultant. Can a person be denied security clearance because of a mental or psychological disorder? . Ultimately almost all cases where a final clearance is denied due to psychological conditions involve 1 of the 4 following situations: The federal policy against drawing negative inferences solely on the basis of mental health treatment and the very low denial rates for final clearances do not apply to interim security clearances. "I was the guy who makes you scrub the latrine, the guy who makes you make your bed, the guy who screams at you for being... Get special job alerts, offers and insider tips on making the most of your military experience in the civilian workforce. What is a security clearance? However, mental health counseling, where relevant to the adjudication of access to classified information, may justify further inquiry to determine whether the standards of subsection (b) of this section are satisfied, and mental health may be considered where it directly relates to those standards.”. They may harm the organization by actions that run the gamut from absenteeism to self-serving decisions, theft, fraud, sabotage, or espionage. Mental incompetence determined by a mental health professional. Territory of Lies: The Rise, Fall, and Betrayal of Jonathan Jay Pollard. Has subject ever failed or refused to take the medication? . A July 2009 article at www.Army.mil reported that the US Army Central Clearance Facility’s “adjudicative history indicates that 99.98 percent of cases with psychological concerns obtained/retained their security clearance eligibility.”. You will sign a waiver that is a release for them to look at records. However, life is not that simple. They experience failure to compete effectively with their peers; perceive injustice at the hands of a supervisor or employing organization; are terminated from a job under circumstances that prompt resentment; feel rejected or betrayed by a spouse; confront serious financial or medical problems; or are tempted by a seemingly easy opportunity for illegal monetary gain. This mitigation would apply only to an individual who already has a clearance, not to a new applicant. The potentially disqualifying conditions are quite general. You can too, by following these critical steps. Regarding the standards for eligibility for access to classified information, Executive Order 12968, issued in 1995, states: “No negative inference concerning the standards in this section may be raised solely on the basis of mental health counseling. Reaching out for care for your psychological health is an important, positive step in your military career. Sign up for a free Military.com membership to have job postings, guides and advice, and more delivered directly to your inbox. d. Provide easy access to a continuum of counseling support to include prevention, early intervention, and treatment to enhance coping and build resilience. MENTAL HEALTH AND SECURITY CLEARANCES Last updated: October 15, 2020 A detailed analysis of denial and revocation statistics involving psychological conditions clearly demonstrates that a cleared individual is not likely to lose or fail to gain clearance eligibility after seeking mental health care or experiencing mental health symptoms. In the last 7 years, have you consulted with a health care professional regarding an emotional or mental health condition or were you hospitalized for such a condition? Of those who have lost clearance, only 0.04% did so for solely psychological reasons. One of the biggest reasons Warfighters hesitate to seek professional mental health care is the commonly held misunderstanding that getting such assistance could impact their security clearances. These imbalances can produce the observed symptoms and changes in behavior and are often treated with medication. This includes counseling for adolescent or school adjustment problems during the previous 7 years, grief or bereavement counseling, self-improvement counseling, or counseling for victims of rape, incest, or other trauma. And the 20-plus years you've spent in uniform mean you have a highly sought-after skill set in the civilian world. When self-initiated, treatment is often a favorable indication that the subject recognizes the problem and is taking care of it. The fact that an individual has sought treatment or counseling for a mental health problem does not suggest that the individual's problem is more serious than one who has not received counseling. Not all diagnosed disorders are a security concern. Apply to Security Specialist, Mental Health Technician, Security Engineer and more! When a psychological condition (or the side effects of medication) adversely affects a person’s judgment and behavior, such things as disappointment, failure, or perceive injustice or betrayal may cause reactions that are irresponsible, self-destructive, retaliatory, and/or unlawful. The only time they will ever do that is if there is an issue (mental health treatment for … A behavior is compulsive when it is beyond a person's control, i.e., the person continues to engage in it despite adverse medical, legal, social, family, or work consequences. In most cases, the source of the imbalance is both genetic and environmental, and often both medication and therapy are useful for treating the condition. Related: For the latest veteran jobs postings around the country, visit the Military.com Job Search section. All rights reserved. c. Empower leaders to advocate for those in their charge to receive counseling. Overreaction to criticism, responding with anger even to constructive and well-intentioned criticism. . The issue for the government is untreated mental illness, unreliability or dysfunctional behavior. Since you've left the military, you have already had some civilian experience, but maybe it's time for a change in your education or career path. Military spouses are making a go of their dream jobs across a wide range of fields. Military and civilian personnel on tours in combat areas such as Iraq and Afghanistan have been subjected to extreme stress that often requires some form of mental health counseling, and this does not need to be reported on the security questionnaire. Pattern of doing whatever feels good at the moment, without regard for duties or obligations, or without regard for the long-term consequences for self or others. Mental health is a security concern because it influences how a person perceives the world, makes decisions, and manages stress. Stretching the limits to see what one can get away with, taking pleasure in beating the system and not getting caught, or cutting corners to achieve personal objectives. Seeks revenge for any real or imagined wrongs. The term “eligibility for access” means the same thing as security clearance and is used in Government record systems and by Government personnel security specialists. (a) behavior that casts doubt on an individual's judgment, reliability, or trustworthiness that is not covered under any other guideline, including but not limited to emotionally unstable, irresponsible, dysfunctional, violent, paranoid, or bizarre behavior; (b) an opinion by a duly qualified mental health professional that the individual has a condition not covered under any other guideline that may impair judgment, reliability, or trustworthiness; (c) the individual has failed to follow treatment advice related to a diagnosed emotional, mental, or personality condition, e.g., failure to take prescribed medication. Almost no one has lost a clearance for having a behavioral health diagnosis. Information about answering Question 21 can be found on the Real Warriors Campaign website and the Center for Development of Security Excellence website. 1. If necessary a security adjudicator will consult with a qualified government mental health practitioner, and if any doubt remains about an applicant’s reliability, the applicant can be required to undergo a medical evaluation by a psychiatric consultant. However if information is developed during an investigation that unlisted mental health treatment is relevant, information about the treatment can be pursued. Typically, the agency that is requesting the security clearance contacts the mental health and counseling service after notifying you (we need your permission to release information, and usually the agency has already asked you to sign a release). There are many different types of psychiatric medications, and the effects and side-effects of the medications vary a great deal. When there is a “yes” to the first question, the applicant is usually required to complete an INV Form 16A, Specific Medical Release, which is used to obtain more detailed information regarding medication, other treatment, test results, and medical opinions regarding health, recovery and/or rehabilitation. When applicants answer “yes” to this question they are directed to complete an “Authorization for the Release of Medical Information.” This form is on the last page of the SF86 and authorizes a mental health practitioner to answer 3 questions: Does the person under investigation have a condition that could impair his or her judgment, reliability or ability to properly safeguard classified national security information? They are also found to some degree in many law-abiding and successful individuals, so they are not disqualifying by themselves. Observed symptoms of a possible emotional or mental problem. Behaviors such as compulsive gambling, compulsive sexual behavior, compulsive lying. The security questionnaire exempts reporting of marital or family counseling that does not involved the use of violence. All security clearance questions are reviewed by the Chief of Counseling and Mental Health Services. If the crime was committed a long time ago, or under unique circumstances that do not cast doubt on the applicant’s trustworthiness, or if the person was coerced, or if there is evidence that the individual was wrongfully accused or convicted – these can all improve the person’s chances of receiving a security clearance despite their record. Many other forms of short-term counseling (six months or less) have no relevance to security. What happens if the subject stops taking medication? There is a presumption that mental health treatment that occurred more than 7 years ago or any treatment related to one of the exceptions to the “Mental and Emotional Health” question on the SF86 is not relevant or material to a security clearance determination. Incidents of explosive anger or sudden outbursts of temper; failure to resist anger or aggressive impulses that result in serious acts of assault or destruction of property. It shows that an individual is aware of the problem and trying to deal with it. Important categories of disorders include anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and phobias; mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorders; cognitive disorders such as dementia; personality disorders such as antisocial, paranoid, schizotypal, or borderline personality disorder; and schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders. Some of the more specific circumstances that may be disqualifying under these guidelines include the following: The potential security significance of a psychological condition depends upon how it affects the subject's judgment, reliability or trustworthiness, its severity (intensity and duration of symptoms), whether there has been appropriate treatment or whether the condition is typically responsive to treatment, and the judgment of a qualified mental health consultant about possible recurrence and what else might happen in the future. DoD security officials said no one has been denied a security clearance based solely on the fact they received mental health counseling, but the … This voluntary action is positive evidence of reliability and a willingness to fulfill personnel security responsibilities. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Question 21 specifically asks if the person requesting the clearance has in the last seven years consulted with a mental health professional--and if so-dates, names and addresses are required. 2. Promote a culture that encourages delivery and receipt of counseling. *DISCLAIMER*Correctly filling out your security forms will not guarantee you a clearance in 3 months BUT be sloppy and your case will be in the field a heck of a lot longer, guaranteed. For JDog Brands' Dana Forester, turning veteran into business owners is more than a job. When the mental health practitioner(s) answer(s) “no” to the first question, there is no further investigation of this issue, unless the investigation surfaces contradictory information from some other record or personal source. When seeking a role that requires a national security clearance, you will be instructed to fill out the Standard Form 86 (SF86), “Questionnaire for National Security Positions.” [PDF 7.6MB] The federal government uses information from this form to conduct background … See the article entitled Mental Health and Interim Security Clearances. “An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans . Denial or revocation of a security clearance due to a mental health issue is very rare; however interim security clearances can be and often are “declined” solely on the basis of mental health treatment listed on a Standard Form 86—SF86 (Questionnaire for National Security Positions). A security clearance investigation ensures that you are eligible for access to national security information. All rights reserved. Here are some basics to start with. In general, clinical indicators of the greatest concern are those that are disruptive to an individual's work or social functioning and/or activities of daily living. ). - Clearance Q & A, Lost in Transition: A Veteran Identity Crisis, OPM Hiring Data Scientists in Federal Government and Palantir Has Open Cleared Positions, CIA Recruiting Next Generation Employees and DARPA Wants a Genius Bar, DoD Begins Massive Reform of Clearance Appeal Process, BAE Systems Awarded $17M Fixed Price for Work on Virginia-Class Submarines, GameStop Stocks and Your Security Clearance, The Secret Sauce to Mastering Your Military Transition: More Boot Camp, CIA Targets Next Generation with Recent Recruiting Tactics, Your Data is Digital and Vulnerable to Tax Season Scams, Cyber Security Professionals (All Levels), strictly marital, family, grief not related to violence by you; or. Read more in Mental Health and Final Security Clearances. Related: Search for security clearance jobs. suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.”1 Nearly two-thirds of these people do not seek treatment; some because of the stigma that is associated with mental health treatment.2Mental health issues can adversely affect an individual’s eligibility for a federal security clearance, but many clearance applicants worry unnecessarily and sometimes choose not to seek treatment due to fears that it could result in th… 195 Mental Health Security Specialist jobs available on Indeed.com. A secret clearance requires a NACLC investigation. No Current Problem:  This mitigating condition is used when the adjudicator or a duly qualified mental health professional determines that the reported information is not really a security concern. Some conditions are unrelated to security issues and others can be mitigated by ongoing treatment or other factors. Such information raises questions about the individual's suitability to hold a security clearance. DoD Instruction 6490.06, dated April 21, 2009, specifies responsibilities and procedures for implementing DoD policy to: a. . It is unclear whether the intent of the question is to make the exceptions equally applicable to situations where an applicant “consulted with a health care professional” or was “hospitalized.”  If there is any doubt about whether counseling or hospitalization should be disclosed, it is always preferrable to answer “yes” to the question and provide both the required information and a detailed explanation in the comment section or continuation space on the SF86. Long-term continuation of the medication must be medically practical and must be expected to preclude recurrence of any condition that may affect judgment or reliability. How do these symptoms affect the subject's reliability and judgment? List provided by Dr. Leissa Nelson, PERSEREC. Ongoing suspicions, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him or her; talk of being watched or followed. An interim clearance may be denied (although the final clearance may still be granted) for having a large amount of debt, having a foreign spouse, for having admitted to seeing a doctor for a mental health condition, or for having admitted to other items of security concern (such as a criminal record or a history of drug use. Medication that is being taken regularly keeps the condition under control. There is disagreement among mental health professionals on what constitutes a disorder and, in many cases, about when behavior meets the threshold for diagnosis of a specific disorder. Professional Opinion: This mitigating condition is used when a duly qualified mental health professional determines that a known previous condition is now under control or in remission and has a low probability of recurrence or becoming worse. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association describes hundreds of mental disorders. For mental health professionals conducting security clearance evaluations, the adjudicative process is described on the State Department website. If such a condition has not been resolved within six months, however, this suggests the possibility of a longer term condition. Every service member leaves the military eventually. The field of psychopharmacology is highly technical and is evolving as a result of ongoing and new research. Their decision takes into account potential conflicts of interest, reliability, trustworthiness, self-discipline, integrity, and ability to protect classified material. Whether you want to polish up your resume, find veteran job fairs in your area, or connect with employers looking to hire veterans, Military.com can help. The fact that … If you're not comfortable with having your mental health records made public, it's time to ask your health care provider about their security — and to consider conducting a … Intense and unstable (dysfunctional) personal relationships. The security concern arises when the possibility of future unreliable or dysfunctional behavior is indicated by either abnormal behavior or the opinion of a qualified mental health practitioner. Adjudicators should rely in each case on the input of their qualified mental health consultant. The U.S. Department of State determines the people that receive security clearance based on very specific guidelines. The investigation focuses on your character and conduct, emphasizing such factors as honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, financial responsibility, criminal activity, emotional stability, and other pertinent areas. Private mental health professionals sometimes provide a relatively benign diagnosis because they do not want their clients to lose their job, or because they are concerned about legal liability if their clients do lose their job because of the diagnosis. The issue is whether the individual's condition causes, or may cause, poor judgment or unreliable, untrustworthy, or dysfunctional behavior. Having a successful career in the military is a major accomplishment. If so, describe the nature of the condition and the extent and duration of the impairment or treatment. It reads: Mental health counseling in and of itself is not a reason to revoke or deny a clearance. Unless properly documented mitigating information is submitted with clearance applications, interim clearances are frequently declined when applicants list mental health treatment on their SF86. Of the 150,000 security clearance applications processed each year by the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO) only 5 applicants were denied clearances in 2009 by Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals Administrative Judges because of Psychological Conditions. A past or present mental, emotional, or personality disorder is not by itself a disqualifying condition for a … If you fill out the security forms correctly, there is nothing to blackmail you with since you have nothing to hide anymore. There are a number of other observable behaviors that relate to issues under Personal Conduct as well as the Psychological Conditions guideline. The mental health provider may list a diagnosis only to ensure the visit will be covered by medical insurance. Copyright © 2010 Last Post Publishing. . ... clearance and appears in some Government record systems. Temporary Condition: Traumatic personal circumstances often cause a temporary condition that requires some counseling or treatment but is not a security concern. If indicators of a psychological condition are reported, additional inquiries should be made and consultation with a qualified mental health professional should be considered. Related: Unleash your career potential and get customized job recommendations based on your military experience and personality traits. For example an applicant initially seeks marital counseling and is diagnosed as having bipolar disorder. Wording of the question can be somewhat confusing. Information for a formal diagnosis may not be available if the individual withholds information for fear it would put his or her security clearance at risk. These behaviors are often found in persons who commit espionage or other white-collar crimes. An employer has an obligation to help an employee who develops a problem while on the job, but no such obligation to hire a new employee who already has a mental health problem. The adjudicator needs to know if the marital or family problem was related to any form of physical abuse, alcohol abuse, drug use, financial irresponsibility, compulsive gambling, irresponsible use of weapons, or any other potentially disqualifying issue. Is a security clearance side-effects of the adjudicative criteria correctly, there is other adverse information about the individual condition! Describe the nature of the medications vary a great deal in any other market, a dip in the world. And procedures for implementing dod policy to: a to hold a clearance! Classified material do not apply a disqualifying factor for a security clearance a Final security news. No relevance to security Specialist, mental health Services blackmail you with since you have a highly sought-after skill in. 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