MEPS is the place where applicants come to process into the Armed Forces, and we are responsible for ensuring quality accessions into the Armed Forces during both peacetime and during … Often, consultation takes you beyond what you can achieve with your supervisor alone. I am a 30 year old happily married mother of two, sharing my journey to enlisting in the US Air Force. At MEPs, when all the newbies are filling out a form/questionnaire in the "classroom", there's questions that ask if I drink, how much I drink and so on. Be sure it is 100% charged because you will need to call your driver to come get you when you are done with your appointment. I had my psych consult a week ago, and was told by my … enlistment evaluation process and retained locally at the MEPS in both electronic ( USMIRS) and hardcopy (packet record) formats. The doctors at MEPS said I have to get a psych consult and if that passes then I may get a waiver. Saying that I need an evaluation from a local psychiatrist/psychologist giving me the okay to continue to enlist. I then get a waiver to go see a psychiatrist outside of MEPs, it was close by. If someone that's from the Bay Area, or just know in general how I can get this assessment done, please refer me to any kind of person in that practice/field. Saying that I have alcohol abuse problem. When you take your physical at MEPS sometimes something might not be right and they will send you out on a consult to see a specialist. Stuck waiting for MEPS to process my info from Military to Military as well as MEPS to MEPS. If your 2807-2 is declined or you fail your physical at MEPS, you will receive either a Temporary Disqualification (TDQ) or a … This is called a "consult." I just said that yeah I drink maybe 1-2 times a month or so and nothing happened at all. The recruiter sends this up to MEPS, asking for a medical examination appointment. The first step in a military medical waiver process is receiving a recommendation from a doctor at MEPS. They pay for … MEPS wasn't satisfied with that, and therefore ordered the consult. J-1-Human Resources. It can take anywhere from 6-8 hours to two days, although that is not as common. While you can always submit more documentation, my experience is that the waiver authority relies heavily on MEPS recommendations. However, there is no opportunity for an appeal if the doctor fails to recommend you at MEPS. If the waiver is granted, you'll be cleared to return to MEPS. You simply cannot know until you go to your consult and find out. The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) is a set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals, their medical providers, and employers across the United States. This can go on for a week or two. Saying that I have alcohol abuse problem. Yeah, that seems weird. When it was my turn to speak with the MEPs doctor, he reviewed my paper and asked me questions about the my drinking history. Bottled water- if your day is as long as mine... you'll want it. I have been clean from drinking just in case, I don't really drink much now a days anyways since I'm full-time Legal Assistant at a Law Firm, downtown San Francisco. Part of the military recruitment process is to have drug and blood tests conducted at the MEPS, or the Military Entrance Processing Station. I am the commanding officer of the Boston Military Entrance Processing Station. While not all health professionals agree, those are the standards on paper. Hell, I'm 21 and said almost the same thing at MEPS a few weeks ago and I came out fine. J-1-Civilian-Personnel-Division J-1 Services Division J-1-Workforce Development Training & Conference Division J-1-Manpower and Force Management Branch J-1-Military Personnel Branch J-3-5-7 … On the afternoon of arrival, the applicant takes the computerized Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests. These questions will again be asked at MEPS. I first applied to Officer Training School and was not selected, but I feel that things work out the way they do for a reason. They are largely yes/no questions. Thank you. As frustrating as the medical process can be, try to remember that there are reasons that certain conditions can disqualify you. !, Military Life and Issues, 8 replies Going to MEPS a 3rd time for psych consult, Military Life and Issues, 8 replies Waiting to Hear back from MEPS on Medical Records Matter, Military Life and Issues, 12 … So I passed my MEPS with flying colors other than pointing out a scar on my arm that I didn't think was that big of a deal and are now labeling it as self mutilation (which is DEFINITELY not the case), they are sending me to a psych consult on the 5th and I have no doubts in my mind I will pass a psych consult, the only question I have is, if I pass the psych consult … I’ve officially had my second go at MEPS and this coming Tuesday I’ll be making another trip up there for a psych consult. USMEPCOM Regulation 680-3 TOC 5 (1) MEPS files rooms will retain the applicant processing record under R ecord Number (RN) 601- I wish there was. The doctor at MEPs & the third-party doc did want to weed me out as much as possible, which I'm sure they do with everyone. I wish I knew not to say anything before but my recruiter just did not care about me. You were over 21, admitted to drinking beer occasionally, and suddenly you're an alcoholic and DQ'd from MEPS? I am writing this post to assure you that not all consults end unhappily. I think it's something like 4+ drinks for women and 6+ for men is considered binge drinking. I have been looking far and wide online to find a Psychiatrist to give me an evaluation, and no one in their practice around can do it, especially if its only a one time consultation. It asked how often do I Going to MEPS a 3rd time for psych consult (enlist, recruiter, military) - Military Life and Issues -Relocation, families, vets, bases, Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, VA loans - City-Data … Thinking nothing of it, I told him blindly that I do drink at events, sports games, & gatherings. Am I missing something? What my pre-screen and waiver process has been like so far. The MEPS process length depends on how many applicants are scheduled on the day you attend. Hatchet buried with them, clean I just need a reference for a Psych Doc before November (Two Year Cut-Off Before I Have To Do Asvab & Everything All Over Again). How many times in a week you drink? About a month ago, I took my first physical test at the MEPS. If they were absolutely sure you were doomed, they wouldn't spend the money to give you a consult!!! How many drinks per day? If you decide to start the application process, your recruiter will give you a list of questions. The purpose is to determine if individuals are … God bless you if you ever have to go through an ear washing. She told me I would need to get a psych consult. A Day at the MEPS Recruit Travel Joining the Military MEPCOM Anniversary Headquarters. Psychiatric waivers, as well as other waivers, are getting less common, as the services decrease manning in … A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. From this, for whomever is reading, have you ever heard or encountered this kind of situation from MEPs? Unless he actually said something different at the time, something is weird here. Just tell your son to be honest and forthcoming when answering the questions. Consultation involves a collaborative discussion rather than the straight up offering and receiving of advice. I said "enough to get me drunk" & from there, I think that's what blew over. For most applicants, the initial trip to MEPS is a two-day process. Otherwise this whole story sounds extremely strange. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the newtothenavy community. If there are issues like this at MEPS, you get sent out for a consult with an outside doctor paid for by the government, of course. ETC ETC. I may be off a bit on the numbers but basically any drinking to get drunk is considered problematic drinking in the psychological/medical community. Speaker 1: I am Commander Cathy Macer. Long story short, he asked me similar questions, left, a few days later my reciter emailed me the DQ form from MEPs. HELP!!! I was wondering if you could give me a better idea of what to … It's what's known as a joint command and operates … Long story short, he asked me similar questions, left, a few days later my reciter emailed me the DQ form from MEPs. Arrival at MEPS . Shit I'm not even 21 but this seems strange. Yet he told me to be completely truthful. I was over 21 during that point, now 23. Now, MEPS does not belong to any particular branch of service. I have posted on here, a year and a half ago regarding my DQ from MEPs. The process starts when you complete the medical pre-screening form at the recruiter's office. Nothing major, just asked me if I ever got fired, suspended, put under custody, ETC. If it is accepted, you will be able to process through MEPS where you will take a physical where you will either pass or fail. Not much luck coming out that day, as you can tell how disappointing I was leaving there. MEPS will either accept or decline your prescreen request. The doctor that examined me and asked me a few questions was concerned with the two speeding tickets I got in June of last year (“You’re still speeding even after your big accident,” I … MEPS-HC Panel Design and Data Collection Process. MEPS is the most complete source of data on the cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage. Because the MEPS determines an applicant’s physical, mental and moral standards (as established by each branch of the Armed Forces) and … I filled it out truthfully unknowingly there would be repercussions. If you google "MEPS consult" or "MEPS Psych eval" you're bound to come up with posts that will freak you the heck out. This was due from me admitting I drink alcohol, occasionally. He then continues questioning me after about my past delinquencies. The primary job of Military Entrance Processing Station is to determine, under military regulations, policies and federal law, whether or not you are qualified to serve in the United States Armed Forces, and if so, what jobs you may qualify for under individual service regulations. I filled out that I drink a few times a month knocking down a few beers. When I initially went to MEPS I filled out the questionnaire; the question I think was the problem was the alcohol question. and my social security card, I carry the first two always and the other two I had just to be safe, Your cell phone- unlike a normal day at MEPS, you will need your cell phone. I answered truthfully (because I was blinded on what to say & such). It also depends on how prepared you are and if you have taken your ASVAB test prior to attending MEPS. An unfavorable MEPS consult makes waiver extremely unlikely. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If the doctor recommends you for a waiver then you still have a shot at receiving approval. It s nothing too bad, and they are from a "fence." You could qualify as a binge drinker. TELL HIM THE TRUTH, no matter what your recruiter tells you, your case is not anything to worry about. Their MEPS physical must include a psychiatric consultation. Hello, I was DQd from MEPS today for suspicious scarring on my left arm that looks self inflicted. Just take a deep breath and go in positive. Eh, I believe it. I then get a waiver to go see a psychiatrist outside of MEPs, it was close by. I denied all of those, and then continued on through the process in MEPs. The MEPS is the Military Entrance Processing Station and it’s no understatement to say that pretty much everything you want to do in the United States Military starts at the MEPS. The Household Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS-HC) is a nationally representative survey of the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population. It's either because it would hinder you from deploying or because you cannot be treated while deployed, or a combination of both. Yeah, what a little pickle I was put in. My recruiter never told me before hand that I was not suppose to say anything that would make myself look bad, until after. If you've taken the ASVAB within 24 months of your MEPS trip and received qualifying scores, you … On your return trip, they'll do a height/weight check then send you offsite to a psych consult. In any event, psych consult consist of a mental health history, family history, social history, and are basically a 30-45 minute talk with the psychiatrist. I am beyond excited about this journey and I hope that I can help others who are considering enlisting! I read somewhere that if they bother to give you a consult that they are paying for, it is because they see some hope in your situation. Mental Health Screening for Recruits: Clinical Data Supports Establishment of Baseline Information for Military Personnel The need to address mental health challenges in the military is critical, given the impact of those illnesses on service members and their families. Applicants go through questioning phases with their recruiter to discuss personal options and then have a MEPS blood test conducted. 2 forms of ID- I brought more than that, I had my driver's license, my dependent ID, my birth cert. There are two parts to this: MEPS and USAREC MEDICAL MEPS can be very unpredictable. That's basically it for the medical portion. I denied all of those, and then continued on through the process in MEPs. Why? It is nothing to prepare for. What drink do you usually prefer? Press J to jump to the feed. If most young people were totally honest about how much they drink, they'd probably have similar problems. The doctor had found my self inflicted scars from 7 years ago and had already assumed that they were because of the way they looked. Your waiver can go back and forth between the recruiter and the Chief Medical Officer for a number of reasons. That person just needs to sign a correspondent saying that I am not an/future alcoholic. As someone who was an Army Guidance Counselor I can tell you the real deal. I then found another recruiter, finally, saying I just need to get a waiver and put back in the process, after he contacted the workers at MEPs, Mountain View, CA. There was definitely more said, on both ends, like such; Do you limit yourself when you drink? It has been a LONG journey for me. I’ve officially had my second go at MEPS and this coming Tuesday I’ll be making another trip up there for a psych consult. The doctor that examined me and asked me a few questions was concerned with the two speeding tickets I got in June of last year (“You’re still speeding even after your big accident,” I … Be prepared to be … Your recruiter will do some MEPS prescreening, and once that clears, an appointment with your local MEPS can be … The sampling frame is drawn from respondents to the National Health Interview … The applicant is considered a good risk for entry into the Navy if: The applicant has successfully abstained from drugs and alcohol for more than two years, For women and 6+ for men is considered binge drinking that the waiver authority relies heavily on MEPS recommendations an. Know until you go to your consult and if you have taken your ASVAB prior. Take a deep breath and go in positive sports games, & gatherings at receiving approval it out unknowingly. Who are considering enlisting spend the money to give you a consult!!!!!!!!! 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